How To Use A Soft Tissue Injury Compensation Calculator

By Richie Billing. Last Updated 22nd November 2023. Are you looking for a compensation calculator for a soft tissue injury? A compensation calculator is a tool designed to give you a quick quote on how much compensation you could be owed. However, in this guide, we explain how it might not accurately reflect how much you could claim. We explore how you could take the evidence and injuries of your specific case and come to a solid possible value.  

If you suffered a soft tissue injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible to start a claim. This guide provides more information on soft tissue injuries as well as how to make a claim if you have sustained an injury due to the negligence of an employer, a party in control of premises or a road user. To find out more, get in touch by:

soft tissue injury compensation calculator

A soft tissue injury compensation calculator guide

Select A Section

  1. How Can A Soft Tissue Injury Compensation Calculator Help Me?
  2. Average Compensation For A Soft Tissue Injury In The UK
  3. When Could You Claim Soft Tissue Injury Compensation In The UK?
  4. Common Causes Of Soft Tissue Injuries
  5. Talk To A Solicitor About Your No Win No Fee Case
  6. Find Out More About Soft Tissue Injury Claims

How Can A Soft Tissue Injury Compensation Calculator Help Me?

You may be wanting to use a compensation calculator to give you an idea as to the potential claim value of your soft tissue injury.

The two potential heads of claim you could receive compensation from are general damages and special damages. General damages compensation is assessed by the psychological, physical and emotional pain caused by the injury as well as the impact it had on your life quality. A compensation calculator will only provide you with a rough estimate of what you could receive for this.

Special damages relate to the losses experienced on a financial level. This could include travel expenses, loss of earnings, adjustments to your home and care costs (for example, if you require a private nurse to help you due to your injury). You would need evidence, such as receipts, invoices, payslips and bank statements to prove the value of the losses.

As you cannot input all financial losses into the calculator, the calculator will only be accurate to a particular degree as it can only provide an estimate. If you would like a more accurate compensation estimate, for many different types of soft tissue injuries, you can contact us for free legal advice. As every claim is unique, we can’t confirm what the average payout is for a soft tissue injury in the UK.

However, we can inform you of your claim eligibility and even connect you with a specialised solicitor from our panel who could help you receive compensation. Contact us using the above details.

Average Compensation For A Soft Tissue Injury In The UK

As we discussed above, every claim is unique. Therefore, knowing the average compensation for a soft tissue injury may not be helpful for you. You might find it more useful to know how compensation could be awarded in a soft tissue claim. We mentioned both heads of claim that might be included in your settlement above. In this section, we take a closer look at them. 

If your claim is successful, you will be awarded general damages to compensate for your physical pain and mental suffering. When assigning value to this head of personal injury claims, legal professionals can refer to a text called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). It supplies a list of various injuries alongside guideline compensation brackets for each one. 

In our table below, we’ve listed a few figures from the JCG 16th edition. These are only to be used as a guide

Injury Notes Amount
Multiple Serious Injuries Plus Financial Losses Multiple severe injuries along with significant financial losses, including lost earnings, mobility aids, and home adjustments. Up to £100,000
Back Injuries – (a) Severe (iii) Here, there will have been lesions to the discs, disc fractures or soft tissue injuries which cause severe pain and discomfort. £38,780 to £69,730
Neck Injuries – (a) Severe (iii) Where there has been fractures, severe damage to soft tissue or dislocations which could cause a significant disability. £45,470 to £55,990
Leg Injuries – (c) Less Serious Leg Injuries (i) Serious soft tissue injury to both or one leg, that causes a cosmetic deficit or some nerve damage in the lower limbs. £17,960 to £27,760
Leg Injuries – (c) Less Serious Leg Injuries (iii) Simple fractures to the fibula or tibia or a wide variety soft tissue injuries. Up to £11,840
Shoulder Injuries – (b) Serious Shoulder dislocation as well as damage to the brachial plexus. Also includes soft tissue injuries where there will be permanent intrusive symptoms. £12,770 to £19,200
Knee Injuries – (b) Moderate (ii) Includes soft tissue strain that resolves within 7 months and doesn’t have a significant impact on daily life. Up to £13,740
Hand Injuries – (h) Moderate Hand Injury Where there has been either a crush injury, a laceration or an injury to the soft tissue. More compensation is possible here if surgery has not been a success and residual disability remains. £5,720 to £13,280

Special Damages

You may also be awarded a second head of claim called special damages as part of your settlement. This compensates for financial losses that have been caused by your injury. It may include compensation for the following losses:

  • Prescription costs. 
  • Bandages. 
  • Home help, such as cleaning or nursing care while you recover. 
  • Loss of earnings
  • Childcare. 

You should submit evidence of your expenses, such as receipts. 

As you can see in our list, a personal injury claim has a lot of variables that affect it. Instead of trying to work out the soft tissue injury average compensation, you can contact an advisor from our team who can provide you with an individualised claim valuation.

When Could You Claim Soft Tissue Injury Compensation In The UK?

You may have sustained a soft tissue injury in a workplace accident, while on property owned by the local council, or on private property. Alternatively, you may have suffered an injury in a road traffic accident.

However, to make a claim, it is not enough for you to have suffered an injury that was not your fault. It must have been as a result of negligence, where the other party breached their duty of care, causing you injury.

  • For employers, duty of care is defined in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. This includes providing adequate training to employees to ensure their safety at work, as mentioned in Section 2.
  • Those in control of premises, such as councils or private business owners, must abide by the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. This asks that all visitors to the premises be kept reasonably safe for the duration of their stay. It also sets out the expectation that children will be less careful than adults.
  • All road users have an obligation to keep each other reasonably safe. This is defined in the Road Traffic Act 1988 as well as The Highway Code. They can do so by using their mirrors and signals responsibly as well as obeying road signs, for example. 

Failure to fulfil a duty of care can be considered a breach. If this breached duty of care directly results in an injury, it could leave a party liable for negligence. This is key — it is not enough that the injury happened. The defendant must have failed to meet their duty of care.

If you have been injured, you may want to start a claim. To find out more, call us at a time that suits you. What’s more, we can help you value your claim without the need for a soft tissue injury compensation calculator. 

Time Limits For Soft Tissue Injury Claims

As part of the soft tissue injury claims process, you will have to start your claim within the relevant limitation period. The Limitation Act 1980 outlines that you have three years to start your personal injury claim from the date of the accident that caused your injuries.

However, if a minor suffers a soft tissue injury, the three-year limitation period begins from their 18th birthday. Before this date, a court-appointed litigation friend could make a claim on their behalf.

Furthermore, if a person does not have the mental capacity to make their own claim, the time limit is suspended indefinitely, and a litigation friend could make a claim on their behalf. However, if they were to regain this mental capacity and a claim has not already been made, they will have three years to start one from the date of recovery.

Our advisors are available 24/7 to offer free advice and consultation. They can answer any questions you might have about the different types of soft tissue injury claims.

Common Causes Of Soft Tissue Injuries

A soft injury can occur in a number of different situations, but as we’ve already mentioned, you must be able to establish negligence in order to make a soft tissue injury claim. Some examples of common causes of soft tissue injuries include:

  • Accidents at work: For example, if your employer fails to provide adequate manual handling training, this could lead to a soft tissue injury in your back or knees. 
  • Road traffic accidents: A driver runs a red light at a junction causing them to crash into the side of your vehicle. This causes a multitude of serious injuries, including soft tissue injuries to different parts of the body. 
  • Accidents in a public place: This could include tripping over a poorly-maintained paving stone and spraining your ankle, or damaging the tissues in your knee. 

Our advisors are here to help. They can offer more guidance on using a soft tissue injury compensation calculator for UK claims, and can evaluate your claim for free. If they find your claim to be valid, they may be able to connect you with a solicitor from our panel. Get in touch today to learn more.

Talk To A Solicitor About Your No Win No Fee Case

If you would like to start a claim but are nervous about the prospect of solicitor fees, you may be interested in a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This is informally known as a No Win No Fee agreement.

Generally, the terms of this agreement mean you will only pay fees to your solicitor in the event of a win. As such, you will not have to pay your solicitor’s fee at the start of the claim or while it continues. This could provide you with the financial confidence needed to claim with the aid of a legal professional. 

If the claim wins, you pay a success fee that has been agreed upon ahead of time. This is legally capped to prevent any possibility of being overcharged. 

To find out more, why not get in touch with our advisors at any time? They are available 24 hours a day to offer free legal advice with absolutely no obligation for you to continue with the service of our solicitors.

To find out more, contact us today. You can do so by:

Find Out More About Soft Tissue Injury Claims

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