£17,000 Compensation Payout For Torn Ankle Ligaments – Case Study & Guide To Calculating Torn Ankle Ligaments Compensation

Torn ankle ligaments compensation

Torn ankle ligaments compensation

By Marianne Quinlan. Last Updated 26th September 2022. If you suffer a torn ankle ligament through no fault of your own, you could claim compensation. And this guide can provide you with an example case study of a £17,000 soft tissue ankle injury compensation settlement. Personal injury lawyers are covering cases like this all the time, and so they could handle your personal injury claim too. Our advisors are available to listen to your enquiry by telephone on 0800 408 7825, via our Live Chat or through our online contact form.

Before then, though, use the headings below to jump ahead to any of the main elements of the claim process.

Choose A Section

  1. A Guide To Calculate Soft Tissue Ankle Injury Compensation
  2. What Are Ligament Tears?
  3. Torn Ligament Financial Problems
  4. Common Causes Of Ankle Ligament Tears
  5. You Could Get Additional Care Claims
  6. Torn Ankle Ligament – Calculating Ankle injury Compensation Estimates
  7. Case Study: £17,000 Torn Ankle Ligament Settlements
  8. Torn Ankle Ligament Compensation Estimates
  9. No Win No Fees Contracts
  10. Your Case Could Use Quality Personal Injury Solicitors
  11. Call Our Experts
  12. More Links

Ankle Injury Claims – A Guide To Calculating Soft Tissue Ankle Injury Compensation

This guide aims to explain the process of ankle injury claims, using a case study claim as an example. In the case study, the claimant was awarded £17,000 for a soft tissue injury to the ankle. We will look at the injury they sustained and how their compensation was calculated to address every aspect of the damage caused.

We also discuss what could be included in successful claims payouts, what a No Win No Fee claim is and how it could work for you and the benefits of hiring a solicitor.

If you’ve suffered ankle ligament damage, you may be wondering if you could be eligible to claim compensation. If you’re able to prove that a third party owed you a duty of care, this duty of care was breached, and you were harmed as a result, you could potentially claim against them.

Our advisors can provide a free consultation, including an eligibility check and potentially a compensation estimate if they think you could claim. You could also be connected to one of the expert solicitors on our panel. Get in touch with us at any time using the contact details in this guide.

What Are Ligament Tears?

The ankle has three major ligaments. They are the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament, the lateral anterior talofibular ligament and posterior ligament. A tear in any of these is generally the result of the ankle twisting, stretching or rolling in an unexpected direction. And the impact of a ligament tear in your ankle could prove to be very painful. Swelling could be an immediate symptom, as could noticeable bruising and tenderness.

As a result, you could find it difficult to walk, and attempting to do so could cause further damage. A minor tear could heal up within several weeks. For a severe ligament tear which requires surgery, however, you could be looking at several months of incapacity. Speak to us today about the specifics of a ligament tear and how its severity may impact your soft tissue ankle injury compensation.

Torn Ligament Financial Problems

Financial troubles may arise from you suffering a torn ligament. This is because you may not be able to work for the duration of your recovery period. And think about the long-term impact of your injury, even beyond your ankle fully healing. Could this setback prevent you from continuing a career in active sports? Or might it limit your mobility sufficiently that you’re unable to drive, thus having to focus solely on working locally? Personal injury lawyers who would be covering your case could factor this information into your case. And that could mean you receiving a higher compensation settlement for your soft tissue ankle injury. Talk to our friendly team today to learn more.

Common Causes Of Ankle Ligament Tears

To receive compensation for your accident would require you to prove the negligence of a third party as the cause. This would consist of a breach in their duty of care towards you, thus causing an incident leading to an injury such as an ankle ligament tear. But there are three different areas where a duty of care may be breached depending on the circumstances surrounding the accident.

The first is under employer’s liability (EL), and the prospect of an accident at work due to a breach of duty. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 would be covering situations involving you being hurt at work. Perhaps your ankle rolls after moving a pallet, or maybe you twist your ankle after slipping on a wet floor at work. Or perhaps the ankle ligament tear is one of multiple injuries, thus potentially meaning a multiple injury claim. In order to make a work accident claim you would have to prove employer negligence.

We also have public liability (PL), with the duty of care to avoid accidents in public places. The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 states the terms that should prevent someone being injured in a public place. A public liability claim is also a possibility after an accident in a public place depending on if your injury was caused through a breach in the duty of care owed to you by the occupier. Public liability insurance could influence the outcome of your case in that situation.

And then we come to road traffic accidents (RTA), and the duty of care stated by the Highway Code. This applies to all drivers, as they should look out for each other, as well as for pedestrians and cyclists. Contact us for further details about what you would need in order to prove a duty of care breach. 

You Could Get Additional Care Claims

Bear in mind that once you see a doctor to have your injury diagnosed, you still have to rehabilitate the torn ankle ligament. And while you’re recuperating, you may find that you require assistance in order to complete normal daily tasks, or simply to cope with the pain. That’s where the possibility of a care claim becomes important. If you pay for a professional carer, for instance, you would be looked after, but at what price financially? The costs that this would incur may result in you spending a lot of money.

The same applies if you hire someone to manage cleaning or gardening at your home. And it could also include the time and effort from friends and family, which we class as “gracious care”. All of the expenses for this assistance could form the basis for a care claim. Personal injury lawyers could build a stronger case for you to potentially receive compensation for your soft tissue ankle injury. Use our Live Chat to receive more facts about care claims.

Torn Ankle Ligament – Calculating Ankle injury Compensation Estimates

When it comes to calculating ankle injury settlement amounts in the UK, there are numerous points to consider. For this reason, we cannot provide an average payout for an ankle injury.

In a personal injury claim, your payout will be split into two parts. One is general damages, and the other is special damages. General damages focus on the physical and psychological effects of the injury itself. For example, you may suffer from a torn ankle ligament.

You could be invited to an independent medical assessment for a full evaluation of your injury. A medical evaluation may help to establish a link between the accident and your present-day condition and could result in a report that is helpful evidence for a claim.

Amputation Of Index And Middle And/Or Ring FingersN/A£61,910 to £90,750
Severe Fractures To FingersN/AUp to £36,740
Loss Of ThumbN/A£35,520 to £54,830
Amputation Of The Terminal Phalanges Of The Index And Middle FingersN/AIn the region of £24,990
Amputation Of The Ring And Little FingersN/AIn the region of £21,810
Total And Partial Loss Of Index FingerN/A£12,170 to £18,740
Serious Injury To Ring Or Middle FingersN/A£10,320 to £16,340
Amputation Of The Little FingerN/A£8,640 to £12,240
Loss Of The Terminal Phalanx Of The Ring Or Middle FingersN/A£3,950 to £7,870
Loss Of Part Of The Little FingerN/A£3,950 to £5,860

There is also special damages. This covers related financial losses. Examples include loss of income from being off work for a particular period of time, the cost of any medical treatment you require, and potentially any surgery costs.

Case Study: £17,000 Torn Ankle Ligament Settlements

Mr Thompson works as a solicitor in Colchester. After leaving the office and heading to his car he anticipated his long drive home.

The evening was light but the traffic was particularly heavy around the city centre. As he was making his way out of the centre through a crossroad he was hit by another car that had failed to give way and had gone straight into the driver door. On impact, Mr Thompson’s right foot had been injured.

He was taken to his local hospital, where he was diagnosed with a tear in one of his ligament’s in his ankle. He needed surgery in order for the ankle to heal correctly. This necessitated him losing out on work, for 3 months.

Therefore, Mr Thompson filed a compensation claim against the driver. They initially tried to deny responsibility, but a witnessed had provided an account to back up Mr Thompson’s account. Mr Thompson received £17,000 as an out-of-court soft tissue ankle injury compensation settlement. This included £13,000 in general damages and £4,000 in special damages.

Type Of Special Damages Includes: How Much?
Lost Earnings Costs of lost earnings as a result of the injury, meaning 3 months away from work. Only received SSP £3,500
Medical Costs Costs of prescription medication £50
Transport Costs Travel to and from his appointments relating to his recovery £200
Other Costs Cleaner and professional carer £250

The case of Mr Thompson is purely an example. It is based on our past experiences of handling and valuing claims and serves to illustrate how accidents can happen and how they are valued.

Torn Ankle Ligament Compensation Estimates

An online personal injury claims calculator provides general estimates for injuries. We know, however, that the impact of a torn ankle ligament affects everybody in different ways. Perhaps there are significant restrictions on your mobility. Maybe your job is at risk due to the time off that you require. Or perhaps the injury puts you in a position where your finances are in debt for the foreseeable future. Therefore, we don’t believe in giving template figures.

Instead, we take all of the information from your medical assessment and learn everything else we need to know about your circumstances. And from there, we’re able to then provide you with a compensation estimate that is more true to your needs. The knock-on effect of your torn ankle ligament is unique to you, so your potential settlement should reflect that. For an accurate estimate of your potential soft tissue ankle injury compensation, contact our specialist team.

No Win No Fee Contracts

The benefits of working with a No Win No Fee solicitor are numerous. From not having to pay legal fees at the point of contact or while the case is ongoing. What’s more, as the name suggests, if your case fails, then your personal injury solicitor receives nothing. That’s right: if you don’t receive compensation, you don’t pay a single penny to your solicitor.

If your case is successful, that’s the only scenario where your solicitor would receive a nominal figure to cover their legal fees. This is called a success fee, and keep in mind that it’s capped by law. Therefore, your compensation for your soft tissue ankle injury wouldn’t be greatly hindered by this. All of this helps you to feel calmer and under less financial strain as you pursue your claim.

All further points about No Win No Fee are available on our website; otherwise, use our Live Chat for further guidance.

Your Case Could Use Quality Personal Injury Solicitors

These are the questions you might ask yourself if you wish to identify the best personal injury lawyer possible for your case:

  • Who has a long-standing track record of successfully winning cases?
  • Which law firm specialises in soft tissue ankle injuries?
  • Who has the qualifications to warrant my commitment?
  • Which personal injury solicitor has plenty of credible positive reviews?
  • Who can guarantee me a fast turnaround, continuous communication and clarity on my case?

Public Interest Lawyers could provide you with a personal injury solicitor who has the knowledge and experience needed for your case. So, please speak to our friendly team so that you can benefit from our service.

Call Our Experts

Before contacting us, remember that you’re not obliged to proceed with your claim, even after you begin to speak with our specialists.

What’s more, we’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer any questions you may have. And our panel of personal injury solicitors could maintain communication with you face-to-face, via telephone, over email or by smartphone video calls. We adapt to your needs while building the strongest possible case for you.

There are three ways that you can get in touch with our friendly team. One is to call us on 0800 408 7825. Another is to use our Live Chat tool at the bottom corner of this page. Or maybe you prefer to complete our contact form, where you can send us a longer message about your accident.

More Links

If you require further information about soft tissue ankle injury compensation, the links below may be of use. They cover the injury itself, along with various accidents which may result in payouts.

A full breakdown of the claims process is available on our website.

We describe how to claim after particular scenarios, such as slips, trips and falls.

And we also advise on what to do if a third party denies liability for your accident.

Meanwhile, the NHS has its own specific guide on ankle injuries.

And it also advises on how to identify sprains and strains, such as a soft tissue ankle injury.

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 details the procedure covering workplace accidents.

Article by AR

Publisher EC.