£16,000 Compensation Payout For A Simple Leg Fracture With Anxiety And Special Damages

Were you injured in an accident that you can prove wasn’t your fault? Do you find yourself considering seeking leg fracture compensation? Our panel of personal injury solicitors could help. This article will explain three areas of life where accidents resulting in injury can occur: accidents in the workplace, public places, and on the roads. So if you were involved in an accident that was no fault of your own and think you might be due compensation for the injury you suffered, this article could help you. 

Our panel of personal injury solicitors can work remotely meaning they can handle your claim no matter where you live They could help people claim compensation for the injuries they received due to accidents caused by third-party negligence. In this article, we look at the duty of care that should be in place, how it could be breached, and how to prove the accident that caused your injuries happened because of this breach.

Leg fracture compensation

Leg fracture compensation

We’ll discuss the proof you need to support your claim. And look at an example case study that shows the personal injury claim process from start to finish. We then show you where to find quality No Win No Fee lawyers to handle your case.

If you have a question at any point, please don’t hesitate to contact us 0800 408 7825 or drop us a line at Public Interest Lawyers. We’re available 24/7 and are happy to discuss your case.

Select a Section

  1. A Guide To Calculating Leg Fracture With Travel Anxiety Claims
  2. What Is A Leg Fracture?
  3. Financial Issues From Leg Fractures
  4. Common Leg Fracture And Anxiety Accidents
  5. Additional Information About Care Claims
  6. Lawyers Can Estimate Leg Fracture Compensation
  7. Case Study: £16,000 Leg Fracture With Travel Anxiety Claims
  8. Claim A Free Settlement Estimate
  9. How No Win No Fee Helps
  10. Find Top Quality Personal Injury Lawyers Today
  11. Discuss Your Claim
  12. Quick Links

A Guide To Calculating Leg Fracture With Travel Anxiety Claims

Our example case study will examine someone who suffered an accident on public transport and sustained a reasonably simple leg fracture through no fault of their own. The person also suffered consequent anxiety around travelling which formed part of their claim. We will show how a No Win No Fee lawyer could help guide your case for leg fracture compensation and anxiety payout.

With a supporting medical examination and the inclusion of all receipts and invoices for out of pocket expenses, you could maximise your potential settlement and use the money to heal properly from their ordeal. We break down the two types of compensation you may try to seek if your claim is successful. We also provide links throughout this article to other information you might need to launch a claim. 

You can get in touch at any point to start your claim. To get more information about anything discussed please call our team.

What Is A Leg Fracture?

The three long bones of the leg are the tibia and fibula (lower leg) and femur (upper leg). Impact on any of them can result in a very painful hairline crack or fracture. The NHS gives information on the symptoms and treatment of a broken leg. It can be useful to read as a way of understanding your particular injury. It’s also essential to establish in your mind who had the duty of care, how they breached it, and what injuries you suffered as a result.

Leg Fracture Compensation and The Law

Three areas where you could have grounds for leg fracture compensation are:

  • Accidents that happened at work (employer’s liability).
  • Accidents that happened in a public place (public liability).
  • Road traffic accidents (RTAs).

Strict laws and rules regulate these areas to ensure your safety. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 obliges all employers to provide the safest (as reasonably possible) working environment and demonstrate a duty of care to all employees. This could be achieved through proper training, regular maintenance of the workplace, and correct and fully-functional personal protective equipment (PPE).

Likewise, the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 asks that anyone operating premises open to the general public must ensure the highest safety levels as reasonably practicable. 

Lastly, The Highway Code asks all road users to show a duty of care to each other. Regardless of age or experience, every driver is expected to display an acceptable standard of capability behind the wheel. It also requires road users to be aware that some drivers may not show due care and diligence.

These links could help you determine what happened that day and who may be to blame. You can also call our friendly team who would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about launching a leg fracture compensation claim against an employer, the council, a road user, or a private operator.

Financial Issues From Leg Fractures

After the initial trauma of a serious accident, you may begin to address the practicalities of putting your life back together by finding ways to cope with your injuries or new disability. The greater the severity, the more of an upheaval this may be. Additional financial worries could be the last thing you need.

If your injuries have impacted your ability to function as normal and you need to rely on help to perform basic daily tasks, those costs can soon mount up. It’s at this point that a No Win No Fee personal injury lawyer could help. Using evidence of your financial loss, such as receipts and bills, a skilled personal injury lawyer could have them included as part of your compensation claim.

Special damages are the head of claim that aims to ensure that any negative impact you incur financially due to an injury that wasn’t your fault is reimbursed to you. Numerous costs can be reclaimed, such as loss of earnings, missed bonuses, carer costs, adaptations to your home or lifestyle, medical equipment, and travel costs.

Your No Win No Fee lawyer should advise you on keeping track of these costs and using them as evidence in your claim for compensation. Without evidence, it can be difficult to recover the costs. Special damages aim to protect you from being a victim of lost money.

Common Leg Fracture And Anxiety Accidents

Cyclists are seen as vulnerable road users with the second-highest casualty rate per billion passenger miles in 2019. They could be susceptible to leg fractures following accidents. Accidents in the workplace are also not uncommon, with 693,000 people being injured at work in 2019-2020. If you were one of them, you may be required to report your accident according to RIDDOR, which could help your claim. Public transport accidents are also a potential danger.

If the duty of care is absent or neglected, any location could become a hazardous place, and therefore an injury, hot-spot. Leg fractures can be caused by so many different hazards, such as:

  • Slipping on unattended spillages.
  • Tripping over poorly placed objects.
  • Losing your footing on loose stairs or poorly lit areas.
  • Escalator or machinery malfunction.
  • Road traffic collisions.
  • Bus, tube or train accidents.
  • Injuries as a result of assault or crime. 

If you suffered an accident that wasn’t your fault and it resulted in a  leg injury, speak to us today to discuss your options. You may have grounds to make a claim for leg fracture compensation.

Additional Information About Care Claims

The repercussions of being injured can include the possible stress of not being able to go about everyday life and the disruption of your usual routine. Family members may be able to help. The courts refer to this as ‘gracious care’ which can be reimbursed at an hourly rate with the correct evidence.

If you cannot rely on family or friends to help you wash, clean, shop for food or attend to personal care because you may, for example, find yourself on crutches for two weeks or longer, it may be necessary to pay for the services of a professional carer. These costs can be very high. 

A No Win No Fee solicitor could be used to represent your case. They can advise you on how to record these expenses. And also, use them as part of your compensation claim.

Lawyers Can Estimate Leg Fracture Compensation

A central part of your claim for compensation will be a medical assessment. It is a chance for a doctor or specialist to confirm that your injuries were caused by the accident. The medical report could form substantial evidence. It could be used to demonstrate how severe your injury is. 

There are two heads of claim that you could seek. The first is called general damages. This compensates you for the physical and psychological suffering your injuries have caused. For a simple fracture of the leg, one that does not result in permanent damage or require on-going treatment, the Judicial College Guidelines estimate a payout of between £8,550 to £13,210 could be awarded. The Judicial College Guidelines is a publication that solicitors may use to value injuries. 

The second head of claim, special damages. This aims to restore your potential negatively-hit finances. If you have found yourself using savings or being pushed into debt to meet the financial demands forced upon you through no fault of your own, special damages are designed to get this money back for you. Lost earnings, missed work opportunities, travel to and from the hospital and other items that your No Win No Fee personal injury lawyer may be able to identify could be included.

Although compensation is never guaranteed, these damages could significantly increase your leg fracture compensation. This could enable you to begin to put your life back together.

Case Study: £16,000 Leg Fracture With Travel Anxiety Claims

Mrs Richards used the underground rail service every day to get to work. She travelled during rush hour on jam-packed tube trains. Although she didn’t particularly enjoy this commute, she always took care on the escalators and platforms. If a train was too crowded, she would wait for the next one. Unfortunately, one morning when the train was travelling at high speed it derailed from the tracks. It crashed into a nearby field. All the passengers were screaming and some were injured. 

Mrs Richards was thrown from her seat and landed awkwardly hitting her leg on the floor. It seemed like an age before a rescue team was sent to help the passengers. She was terrified. Also in great pain. Mrs Richards was taken straight to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with a fractured leg.

She could not work for a while and tried to recuperate and get over the shock of what happened. As soon as she was able, Mrs Richards decided to go back to her job, but she found herself seized with a dreadful feeling of anxiety upon entering the underground station. Recognising it as a panic attack, she left the station and went back home. This happened each time she attempted her regular commute.

Claiming Leg Fracture Compensation

After discussing her case with a No Win No Fee solicitor, it became apparent that her accident’s long-lasting psychological impact was affecting her greatly. She decided to examine her options for seeking compensation. 

Her solicitor helped her throughout the case with excellent legal advice and eventually settled it in her favour. She received £16,000 in general and special damages.

It’s possible to break down the damages awarded to Mrs Richards as follows:


General damages Special damages
Mrs. Richards was awarded £13,000 She needed counselling for anxiety
around travelling as a result of her accident
and the therapists fees came to £350
Her travel costs to hospital appointments. Also alternative travel to work.
Physiotherapy costs – £290
Care from family and friends. £175
Loss of earning minus sick pay £1,410


Although our example is not based on an actual case, it aims to outline the typical steps of a personal injury claim case.

If you were involved in an accident that you can prove was not your fault, and you suffered injuries because of it, please speak to our team today to see how we might help.

Claim A Free Settlement Estimate

General and special damages could form your leg fracture compensation payout, and it’s worth discussing your case with a personal injury lawyer today. Cases are not usually taken on unless there is a good probability of winning, and our advisors could determine the likelihood of your case being successful. They’re here for you 24/7 and provide free advice. They can also offer a free estimate of what your compensation claim could be worth. So, there’s nothing to lose in chatting over what happened to you with an advisor from our team. They could also put you in touch with a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor. 

How No Win No Fee Helps

You’re probably familiar with the term No Win No Fee solicitor, but what does it mean? Also known as Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs), No Win No Fee agreements enable people who may lack immediate and sufficient funds to hire a solicitor if they want to. 

With no fees to pay upfront to your solicitor, nothing to pay while the case is ongoing and only a small success fee to pay if it wins to cover solicitor fees. Another benefit includes not having to pay your lawyer’s fees if the case loses.

A No Win No Fee lawyer can make a world of difference to how you handle what happened to you. So, if you were injured in an accident at work, in public, or on the roads caused by someone else’s negligence, speak to us today. Your journey to receiving leg fracture compensation could be just a phone call away.

Find Top Quality Personal Injury Lawyers Today

Thanks to the internet, the proximity of a personal injury lawyer no longer limits the quality of solicitors available to you. Internet searches can generate No Win No Fee options in their thousands. So how do you locate and identify the right firm to represent your claim for leg fracture compensation?

You can speak to us. Our panel of solicitors has extensive experience with personal injury cases and can confidently handle your claim. They could guide it towards the maximum payout for your case. 

They use the subtle details of your case to calculate payouts rather than online personal injury claims calculators you may see that may get it wrong, either over or undervaluing your damages. Our readers enjoy access to great legal advice, and if you get in touch today, we may be able to help you.

Discuss Your Claim

If you’re ready to proceed with a personal injury claim, or if you’d just like more information on any of the things we’ve discussed in this article, you can get in touch in the following ways:

Quick Links

For information about claims against the council, please read our guide.

We also have further reading about accidents on public transport

And, we have further reading on accident hot spots.

The Government also offers more on employment rights.

You can also find out more about using NHS services.

Article by EA

Publisher UI.

Thank you for reading our guide to leg fracture compensation.