Personal Injury Lawyers Compensation Claims Guide

Have you been injured in an accident at work, in a public place or on the road due to someone else’s negligent actions? If so, the impact on you can be significant, and you could be able to claim compensation. You might still be suffering from your symptoms or under direct financial pressure due to time away from work. In this guide, we look at how personal injury lawyers could help you to make a successful compensation claim.

We look at the types of personal injury claims that can be made and we also look at whether you need to use a lawyer based in your local area. There is advice about how to choose a lawyer for your specific claim, and finally, we look at how a lawyer from our panel could help you claim personal injury compensation on a No Win No Fee basis.

To discuss your personal injury claim and for free advice, please contact our team. You can contact us;

A personal injury solicitor works on a compensation claim.

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How Can Personal Injury Lawyers Help Me?

The job of personal injury lawyers is to work on your behalf to ensure that you get the best outcome they can when making a compensation claim. Your lawyer will have specialist knowledge, which can help you to get the compensation settlement you are entitled to. Steps they could take may include;

  • Assessing your case and how much compensation you may be eligible to claim.
  • Helping to gather evidence, such as medical reports, accident report logs and witness statements.
  • Inviting you to an independent medical appointment at which your injuries will be assessed.
  • Explaining legal jargon and terminology in a way that is easy to understand.
  • Negotiating with the other party and, if necessary, issuing court proceedings against them.
  • Submitting all necessary paperwork for you.

A personal injury lawyer could also help to arrange extra support and help as needed. They may be able to help with organising things such as physiotherapy or other treatments and rehabilitation.

By instructing a personal injury lawyer, you can be confident that they will work to secure you a swift and positive resolution to your claim. Find out how a lawyer from our panel could help you by contacting an advisor today.

What Types Of Personal Injury Can I Claim For?

Personal injury lawyers can help people to claim compensation for their injuries suffered in an accident in a public place, a road traffic accident or an accident at work.

However, certain eligibility requirements will need to be met to have a valid case that a lawyer will take on. These are:

  1. You were owed a duty of care.
  2. This was breached.
  3. Your injuries were caused by this breach.

Workplace accidents

The Health and Safety At Work etc. Act 1974 (HAWASA) states that employers must take reasonable and practicable steps to make sure their employees are safe at work. This is their duty of care.

Some examples of potential accident at work claims include:

Road traffic accidents

Road users owe each other a duty of care to use their vehicles in a safe way that prevents themselves and others from being harmed. To meet this duty, they must follow the rules set out in The Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code. You can make a claim as a driver, passenger, cyclist, pedestrian or even if you are injured on public transport. Examples include:

  • A lorry collides heavily with the rear of a car that is waiting at a red light, causing the driver to suffer a back injury.
  • A cyclist is knocked from his bicycle by a car that fails to stop at a giveway junction. The cyclist suffers a broken arm.
  • A coach on the motorway is involved in a significant collision, and a passenger hits their head on the window, which results in a serious head injury.

Public Liability Accidents

Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, anyone who controls a public space must take steps to ensure a visitor’s reasonable safety. If these steps are not taken, then public liability claims could follow if people are injured. This includes claims for slips, trips and falls.  You could slip or trip in a restaurant, supermarket, shop, gym or other public place.

Examples of potential public liability claims include:

  • You slip on a spillage in a restaurant and suffer a prolapsed disc. Staff were aware of the spillage but took no action to clear the spillage or signpost it.
  • A gym machine malfunctions, causing a shoulder injury to the person using it. Records show that routine maintenance was not performed and that this would have prevented the accident.
  • Someone trips on a defect in the pavement, and they fall, suffering a broken hip. This defect had been reported, but no repairs were made within a reasonable timeframe.

For more information about the types of personal injury claims you could make with a specialist lawyer, please contact our team.

A doctor who has failed to meet the required standard of care.


Should I Use A Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me?

You do not need to use personal injury lawyers based in your local area. There is no legal requirement for you to use a local lawyer. Indeed, the best personal injury lawyers for your claim may not be based near you. The most important factors you should consider when deciding on who to handle your claim is their track record and experience rather than where they are based.

Factors you may wish to consider could include;

  • Reviews of a law firm or personal injury lawyers online.
  • The information provided by the personal injury lawyers on their website.
  • The experience the lawyer has in your type of claim.

Due to advancements in technology, lots of lawyers are now able to assist with claims via the Internet or telephone, meaning you can focus on finding the best personal injury lawyer for your case rather than just being limited to local legal representation.

Our panel of personal injury lawyers have years of experience and knowledge that they can use towards your claim. To be connected with a specialist lawyer on our panel for your compensation claim, you can contact our advisors.

How Do I Choose The Best Personal Injury Lawyers?

If you choose to work with Public Interest Lawyers, our advisors can take the details of your personal injury case. They will then be able to evaluate your prospects of success and provide you with all the information you need to make an informed choice about the next step.

Our advisors can then connect you to one of the specialist personal injury lawyers from our panel. We will select the lawyer who is best experienced to help you with your particular case. However, after speaking with our team about your case, you are under no obligation to follow through with our services.

To see whether working with one of the personal injury lawyers from our panel might be the best for you, contact our advisors today.

A woman trips over a wire at her desk.

Should I Work With No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers?

Our panel of personal injury lawyers can help people claim compensation through a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). A CFA is a way for you to claim compensation on a No Win No Fee basis. Under this No Win No Fee agreement, you can work with a specialist personal injury lawyer without the need for you to pay any upfront or ongoing service fees. You also will not be charged for their completed work if the claim fails.

If your case is a success, you will be charged a success fee. This fee is agreed with you in advance. The amount which can be charged is a legally limited percentage of your compensation,

For more information on how to claim for a personal injury on a No Win No Fee basis, please contact our team.

How Do I Start My Personal Injury Claim With A Lawyer?

Our team is experienced in helping people to make successful personal injury claims. You can contact us to discuss your case. Our panel of lawyers will need evidence which can help them prove the liability of the other party and show that your injury was caused by someone else’s negligent actions. Types of evidence which could help you prove your claim may include;

  • The contact details of anyone who witnessed the accident so that the lawyer can contact them for a statement.
  • Copies of your medical records, as well as those from any medical assessment regarding the injuries you are claiming for.
  • Any video footage or photographs of the accident site or your injuries.
  • The details of any loss of earnings or other financial impacts on you.

If one of the lawyers on our panel agrees to take on your case, they could help you with gathering additional evidence to support your claim as part of their services. Additionally, as previously aforementioned, they could offer their expert services to you on a No Win No Fee basis.

For more information on how you could claim compensation with one of the personal injury lawyers on our panel, please contact our team.

  • Use the online chat on this page to discuss the personal injury claims process.
  • Phone us now on 0800 408 7825
  • Or use the ‘contact us’ form.

Personal injury lawyer sit with a claimant.

More Resources About Claiming Personal Injury Compensation

Find out how lawyers with experience in personal injury claims could help you in these guides.

Further information here could help you:

Thank you for reading our guide to using personal injury lawyers. To discuss your case and see whether one of the lawyers on our panel could help you, please contact our advisors.