Trailing Cables And Leads Hazards – How To Claim Compensation

By Richie Billing. Last Updated 29th November 2023. This guide will explain how to make a personal injury claim for injuries caused by trailing cables and leads hazards. Furthermore, we will examine the eligibility criteria that must be met in order to claim following an accident at work.    

Following this, we will explore when trailing cables and leads hazards could cause accidents in the workplace. We’ll also discuss the evidence you may need to prove your claim, as well as the kinds of compensation you could achieve if your claim succeeds.

Additionally, contact our team if you can prove that employer negligence has caused you harm. Our advisors are available 24/7 to offer free and confidential legal advice. If they find that you could have a valid claim, they may place you in contact with one of the No Win No Fee injury at work solicitors from our panel.  

To get in touch, you can:

trailing cables and leads hazards

Trailing Leads And Cables Compensation Guide

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What Are Trailing Leads, And When Could I Claim?

There could be many potential slip or trip hazards in the workplace, including trailing leads, which are power cables that may trail across the workplace floor, hallway or walkway.

Firstly, it is important to know about the duty of care employers have. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA) legally obligates employers to take reasonable and practical steps to ensure the safety of their employees. Some of these are outlined in Section 2, including:

  • Providing employees with proper training.
  • Carrying out risk assessments.
  • Ensuring maintenance and repairs are carried out in due time.
  • Providing personal protective equipment (PPE) that has been deemed necessary to reduce health and safety risks.

If your employer fails to uphold the duty of care, they owe you and causes you to be injured, this is called negligence. In cases where an employer’s negligence has caused you harm, you could be eligible to make a claim. You could sustain physical and psychiatric injuries which impact your life in various ways. Read on to find out how much compensation you could be eligible to receive and what factors are considered when valuing your settlement.

Continue reading to find out how employers can mitigate trailing cable hazards and prevent you from suffering an accident at work.

Trailing Wires And Trailing Leads – How Can Accidents Happen?

You might be wondering how an accident can happen as a result of trailing cables. It’s worth noting that in order to make a valid accident at work claim, your injuries must have been caused by your employer’s negligence. 

Therefore, in this section, we’ll discuss accidents involving trailing wires where an employer has breached their duty of care to you. For example:

  • Your employer fails to ensure walkways are clear from trailing leads, meaning you trip and fall, causing an injury
  • A damaged or faulty trailing cable is identified but your employer fails to have it repaired, exposing you to an electric shock hazard
  • A spillage is not cleaned with caution as your employer has failed to inform staff on how to complete tasks safely, resulting in a potential fire hazard if the trailing cable comes into contact with the spillage

If you are considering hiring an injury at work solicitor, speak to our advisors for more information. You could be connected with an expert solicitor from our panel who works on  a No Win No Fee basis.

How Long Do I Have To Claim For An Accident Caused By Trailing Wires?

As established by the Limitation Act 1980, there’s usually a three-year time limit for beginning a personal injury claim for an injury caused by trailing leads or other hazards such as loose cables. This time limit usually begins from the date of your accident.

Under some circumstances, the time limit for claiming for an injury caused by trailing leads can work differently. If, for instance, the injured party lacks the mental capacity to start a personal injury claim, then the time limit is suspended indefinitely. A court-appointed litigation friend could claim instead on the injured party’s behalf. Otherwise, if the injured party later recovers their mental capacity, then the time limit will start from the day of recovery.

If a minor under the age of eighteen has been injured by trailing wires or a similar hazard, then the time limit will be paused until their 18th birthday. While the time limit is paused, a litigation friend can claim on their behalf. Otherwise, the injured party will have three years to begin their own claim starting from the day they turn 18.

Contact our advisors today if you’d like to learn more about your eligibility to claim for injuries caused by trailing cables or leads. A member of our team may be able to evaluate your claim for free.

Evidence For Claiming For Trip Hazard Injuries 

An important step when claiming for injuries after tripping over trailing wires or trailing leads is collecting evidence to help strengthen your claim. Evidence can help establish who is responsible for your injuries, and it can also help you prove the extent of your injuries and the ways in which they affect your life.

Some examples of evidence that you could collect to help support your claim include:

  • CCTV footage of the accident
  • Photographs of your injuries or the accident site, such as the cable trailing on the ground
  • The contact details of witnesses to ensure their statements can be taken at a later date
  • Medical records or a medical report that details the severity of your injuries or the length of your treatment

One benefit of working with a solicitor is that they can help you gather evidence to strengthen your claim. To find out if a solicitor from our panel could help you claim for injuries caused by tripping over trailing wires or trailing leads, contact our team today.

Compensation For Injuries Caused By Trailing Cables – How Is It Calculated?

If you make a successful personal injury claim after tripping over trailing cables, you will be awarded general damages. This compensates you for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries.

The Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) is a document used by lawyers and other legal professionals when valuing this head of claim. Updated in April 2022, the JCG features guideline compensation brackets for a wide range of injuries.

We have taken compensation amounts from the JCG relating to injuries that could be caused by an accident with trailing wires. Please only use the figures below as guidance. Also take note that the first entry in this table is an estimated figure that is not based on the JCG.

Injury Details Compensation Brackets
Multiple Serious Injuries Plus Special Damages Your compensation payout could cover multiple serious injuries plus any special damages you’re eligible to claim. Examples may include the cost of care, travel or loss of earnings. Up to £500,000+
Very Severe Brain Damage (a) The injury will cause several symptoms such as double incontinence, little or no language function and little response to the environment. Also, the person will need full-time nursing care. £282,010 to £403,990
Moderate Brain Damage causing Injury (c) (iii) The person’s concentration and memory will have been affected, and their capability to work will have been reduced. Other problems may be present. £43,060 to £90,720
Less Severe Brain Damage causing Injury (d) The person will have made a good recovery. However, some problems, such as poor concentration, may persist. £15,320 to £43,060
Severe Psychological Damage (a) The injury will cause the person to have marked problems coping with day-to-day life, and their prognosis will be very poor. £54,830 to £115,730
Severe Back Injuries (a) (iii) This bracket includes fractures of discs, disc lesions, or soft tissue injuries, which give rise to chronic conditions. £38,780 to £69,730
Moderate Back Injuries (b) (ii) This will involve injuries of the back, which are frequently encountered, such as soft tissue injuries and disturbance of ligaments and muscles. £12,510 to £27,760
Wrist Injuries (a) The person will have completely lost function of the wrist. £47,620 to £59,860
Arm Injuries (b) Injuries in this bracket will cause permanent and substantial disablement, such as serious fractures of both or one forearm. £39,170 to £59,860
Severe Injuries to the Pelvis and Hips (a) (iii) The person could have suffered an acetabulum fracture leading to leg instability, likely requiring future hip replacement surgery. £39,170 to £52,500

What Are Special Damages?

You may also be awarded special damages as part of your settlement. This head of claim is awarded to cover any monetary losses or out-of-pocket expenses inflicted by your injuries. Examples of what special damages could cover include: 

  • Care costs – your injuries might leave you incapacitated and result in you paying a carer to help you with daily activities.
  • A loss of earnings – if you trip over a trailing cable and smack your head, you could have a serious head injury and may require time off work to recover. In return, your earning capacity might be detrimentally affected.
  • Prescription costs – arising from paying for medication to alleviate symptoms of your injuries. 

It’s crucial that you can provide evidence of financial harm if you seek special damages. For example, a pay slip could prove a loss of earnings, whilst an invoice or receipt of service can highlight expenses relating to care or prescriptions. A specialist lawyer from our panel could assist you with gathering supporting evidence. 

If you have tripped on trailing wires and would like to know if you are eligible to make a personal injury claim, you can contact our advisors today.

No Win No Fee Claims For Cable Hazard Injuries

If you’re eligible to claim for injuries caused by trailing leads hazards, then you could contact us about getting support from a qualified personal injury lawyer. We can review your case, and if we determine you have a strong claim, then we could connect you with a No Win No Fee lawyer from our panel.

Our panel of experienced No Win No Fee lawyers can support personal injury claims involving trailing cables or wires under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). Being supported under this type of agreement means that you won’t have to pay for your lawyer’s services upfront or while your claim is being processed. Also, you won’t need to pay your No Win No Fee lawyer if your claim proves unsuccessful.

If your claim is successful, then your solicitor will take a small and legally capped percentage of the compensation awarded to you. This is often referred to as a success fee.

To learn more about claiming for injuries caused by trailing wires or cables on a No Win No Fee basis, you can contact our advisors for free today. To do so, you can:

  • Give us a call on 0800 408 7825
  • Use our contact form to reach our advisors online.
  • Or you can message us with our 24/7 live chat service.

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Thank you for reading this guide to claiming compensation following a work accident involving trailing cables and leads hazards.

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