Compensation Payouts For A Broken Leg – Case Study

By Cat Mulligan. Last Updated 15th August 2023. If you’ve suffered a leg injury as a result of another party’s negligence, you may be wondering if you could claim broken leg compensation. In this guide, we will discuss the definition of negligence as it relates to personal injury claims and when you could be eligible to pursue leg injury compensation. We’ll also explore a case study that demonstrates how a broken leg could lead to a successful compensation claim.

We’ll also discuss broken leg compensation payouts in the UK by exploring how legal professionals calculate certain heads of claim and what kinds of damage you could claim for. Following this, we’ll explain the role of solicitors and legal professionals in personal injury claims. Our panel of solicitors work on a No Win No Fee basis; we’ll explain what a No Win No Fee arrangement is and how it could benefit you.

Our advisors are on hand 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. If you have any questions or if you’d like to start your claim, contact our team today:

Broken leg compensation

Broken leg compensation

Choose A Section

  1. What Is A Tibia Or Fibula Break?
  2. Can I Make A Claim For A Broken Leg?
  3. Are There Financial Repercussions From Broken Legs?
  4. Types Of Broken Leg Accidents
  5. Leg Injury Compensation – Do I Need Evidence To Claim?
  6. Calculating Broken Leg Compensation Payouts
  7. Case Study: £80,000 Broken Leg Settlements
  8. Free Compensation Estimate When You Call
  9. Injury Claims Solicitors – No Win No Fee Injury Claims
  10. Where Are Top Quality Personal Injury Solicitors?
  11. Speak With Experts About A Broken Leg Injury Claim
  12. More Guidance On Broken Leg Injury Claims

What Is A Tibia Or Fibula Break?

There are two long bones in the lower leg: the tibia and the fibula. A break in either bone could range from a minimal hairline fracture to a larger displaced fracture.

There are also comminuted fractures to the tibia or fibula where the bones break or splinter into more than 2 fragments. Open or compound fractures occur when there is an open wound or broken skin around the broken bone. 

Can I Make A Claim For A Broken Leg?

To make a broken leg injury claim for negligence, your case should meet the following 3 criteria:

  • A third party owed you a duty of care.
  • They breached that duty of care.
  • That resulted in you suffering an injury such as a broken leg.

Many accident scenarios could result in a broken leg claim being made.  Employers could be held liable for avoidable workplace accidents. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 requires that employers should take measures to, as reasonably as possible, uphold the health, safety and wellbeing of their workforce. 

However, a work environment with, for example, hazardous obstacles may lead to you suffering a broken leg. If you weren’t sufficiently warned of the hazards, that particular accident at work may qualify as demonstrating negligence through a duty of care breach. It could lead to a broken leg at work claim for a potential work injury payment.

Public liability can fall on the shoulders of controllers of land, premises or property if their negligence causes any accidents in a public place they’re in control of. Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, a duty of care exists to prevent possible accidents in public places. So, if you’re injured in a public place and it isn’t your fault, there could be a duty of care breach, potentially leading to a public injury claim or public accident claim. 

And we also have road traffic accidents (RTAs). Now, The Highway Code emphasises how road users such as drivers should offer a duty of care to each other and vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists. A duty of care breach could apply to a crash or a collision on the road if the collision was caused by a road user’s poor standard of driving or negligence. And your broken leg could be just one of multiple injuries, meaning you could have a potential multiple injury claim. 

To find out more, talk to our knowledgeable team and they may connect you with our panel of personal injury lawyers. They could also handle your broken leg injury claim. Complete our online form to make contact with us.

What Is The Time Limit To Claim For Personal Injury?

It’s important to know the time limit for a personal injury claim. As per the Limitation Act 1980, you must generally start the process within 3 years of your injury.

There are two exceptions to this time limit:

  • Injured children – If anyone under 18 is owed compensation for a leg injury, then they cannot legally pursue their own claim. If a claim is to be made, a litigation friend must be appointed to claim on their behalf. The time limit will begin on the injured party’s 18th birthday if a claim has not already been started.
  • Those with a reduced mental capacity – Unless the injured party makes a recovery, their claim must also be made by a litigation friend. Their time limit is also suspended.

If you want to find out if you’re still eligible to claim broken leg compensation payouts, get in touch with our advisors today.

Are There Financial Repercussions From Broken Legs?

Whether you have broken your leg at work, in a public place or in a road traffic accident, as long as you can prove that your injuries were caused as a direct result of a third party’s negligence, you could be entitled to compensation for a leg injury.

You may be wondering about broken leg compensation payouts in the UK. Several factors are taken into consideration. However, we will explore the different heads of damage you could be compensated for in leg injury claims, including general damages and special damages. These generally only apply to claims made in England and Wales.

General damages award compensation for the pain, suffering or a loss of amenity caused by your injuries. Additionally, you may be compensated for any financial losses that are inflicted by your injuries under special damages.

However, it is crucial that you can provide evidence to support any financial reimbursements you seek for leg injury claims. For example, bank statements or receipts may prove any financial damage inflicted by your broken leg injury, whereas a medical assessment could prove the extent of your injuries.

If you would like for our team to arrange a private medical assessment close to home for you, speak to an advisor and they could connect you to a specialist solicitor from our panel.

Types Of Broken Leg Accidents

There are four major bones in the leg. They include the tibia and fibula as noted earlier, but also the femur (upper leg) and the patella (knee). Any could be broken in numerous scenarios, with workplace accidents being one example. In 2019/20, there were 693,000 injuries at work.

A slip or trip is a potential accident in a public place that could result in a broken leg. Such injuries in public places, so long as they were no fault of your own, could result in the filing of a public accident claim.

A road traffic accident also has the potential to result in a badly broken leg. Out of the reported road casualties in 2019, there were 25,945 serious injuries and 153,158 casualties of all severities. 

You can talk to us about the various types of accidents and potential instances of accidents leading to broken leg injury claims.

Leg Injury Compensation – Do I Need Evidence To Claim?

When claiming for broken legs, you will need to present evidence to support your claim. The more evidence you have, the better your chance of success.

Here are some examples of evidence you could gather to establish negligence when claiming compensation for a leg injury:

  • Visual evidence – If you have broken or snapped your leg, the injury may have been captured on CCTV or another form of video footage. You could also take pictures or videos of the hazard(s) that caused it, or even of the injury itself.
  • Medical evidence – Your records show details of your injuries and any treatment/prescriptions you receive. It’s within your rights to request these records at any time.
  • Written statements – If there were others who saw the accident that caused your injury, make sure to collect their contact details. They may agree to submitting a written account of what they saw as it happened.

This is not an exhaustive list. Get in touch today for more information and guidance.

Calculating Broken Leg Compensation Payouts

Before receiving a final compensation calculation estimate, you should undergo an independent medical evaluation as part of the claims process. A medical check should result in a prognosis of your broken leg injury. It could also prove that if it weren’t for the accident, you’d not have suffered a broken leg. 

If the medical assessment finds that your injury was caused or worsened by the accident, it would improve the chances of your compensation claim winning. And your solicitor could use the assessment to help them accurately estimate the compensation settlement figure for your broken leg injury claim. Your compensation could be split under general damages and special damages.

General Damages

As part of leg injury compensation, general damages are provided to compensate you for the physical pain (and any mental pain) you’ve suffered and loss of amenity you endured because of your broken leg. The amount of compensation that may be offered for successful leg injury claims can vary a lot when comparing different cases. It largely depends on what exact leg injury (or injuries) you’ve suffered because of negligence by another party and how severe it is deemed to be.

Medical evidence usually plays a key role in determining how serious your leg injury is and how much you should receive in general damages as compensation. If you are eligible to claim for general damages due to a leg injury, then you may also be able to claim compensation for special damages in addition. We explain more about what these damages cover in the next section.

Special Damages For A Broken Leg

Broken leg compensation payouts can also include amounts to reimburse you for costs caused by your injuries. This figure is known as special damages. You need evidence to support this area of your claim. In other words, you need to prove that they have taken place, and that they are associated with the injuries for which you’re claiming. Medical records and receipts are good examples of this.

Here is a short list of example payouts that could be considered eligible under special damages:

  • Medical expenses – For instance, this could include prescription costs, as well as certain private healthcare services.
  • Travel costs – You could claim back the costs of taxis or public transport you have needed to use to get around due to your injuries.
  • Pre-paid excursions/activities – To give an example, you may have paid for a holiday that you can no longer attend due to your injuries.

To find out what else could be included in broken tibia and fibula compensation (and other broken bone compensation amounts), get in touch with our advisors today.

Case Study: £80,000 Broken Leg Settlements

Kevin Newman, 40, works at a car factory in Bristol. He lives with his wife Samantha and their daughter Leanne. Away from work, he enjoys running marathons for charity, and he is also an avid gym user.

One evening, Kevin was driving home from work. He had just joined the rush hour traffic. A taxi driver, travelling faster than the speed limit, was coming towards Kevin’s car in the opposite direction. It attempted to over take a car, however, there was not enough time. The taxi crashed head-on into Kevin’s car. The impact of the crash knocked Kevin unconscious temporarily. He couldn’t move his legs. An ambulance was quickly called, and Kevin was rushed to the hospital.

Kevin was told that he had suffered multiple complicated fractures to his right leg, which would require surgery. He would be left with increased vulnerability for future injury on that leg and also a disability. Kevin was unable to return to work for quite a while and only received Statutory Sick Pay

Kevin was concerned that his running days could be in jeopardy. Even with a full recovery, he was advised that arthritis could affect the limbs because of the damage they had taken. The entire ordeal left Kevin extremely upset, and it made him question whether he would mentally handle driving again. He had nightmares and would panic if he was a passenger in a car. He could barely sleep for the first few weeks after the accident. 

Kevin was also furious at the taxi driver who had caused the accident. The incident was avoidable, and through a sheer lack of impatience, this horrific accident had occurred. But Kevin also realised that he came close to losing his life in the crash, and was lucky to be alive.

After seeking legal advice, Kevin filed a compensation claim against the cab driver and his employer. He received £80,000 as an out-of-court settlement. This included £36,790 for a broken leg and £7,680 for PTSD – general damages and also special damages.


Type Of Special Damages Includes: How Much?
Current Loss Lost earnings from being unable to work £30,000
Therapy Costs of counselling after his NHS sessions ended £500
Physiotherapy Private rehabilitation costs to assist with his recovery £1500
Medical Expenses Medication, prescriptions, walking aids £50
Home Adaptations Mobility aids for the bathroom and bed. £500
Care A carer was needed for several months £1500
Travel expenses Alternative travel to medical appointments and work £770
Other Costs Gardener, cleaner, food preparation etc £710


The example case study of Kevin Newman is based on our experiences of the personal injury claims process. Not on an actual case. It’s intended for illustrative purposes only. 

More Examples Of Broken Leg Compensation Payouts in the UK

If you’ve suffered an injury, such as a badly broken leg, due to third-party negligence, you may be able to make a personal injury claim. This section will provide more information about potential compensation for a leg injury.

As stated previously, general damages relate to the suffering, pain and loss of amenity caused by the injury. Factors that can dictate what you could receive include:

  • Whether any permanent symptoms have been caused
  • The extent of the injury itself
  • Your treatment plan

The Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) are used by legal professionals to provide an estimate of potential general damages compensation. The figures below are from their most up-to-date guidelines, published in April 2022. However, these figures are not guarantees.

Injury TypeSeverityBracket of Compensation
Severe Leg Injuries(b)(i) - Severe£96,250 to £135,920
Severe Leg Injuries(b)(ii) – Very Serious£54,830 to £87,890
Severe Leg Injuries(b)(iii) – Serious£39,200 to £54,830
Severe Leg Injuries(b)(iv) – Moderate£27,760 to £39,200
Less Serious Leg Injuries(c)(i)£17,960 to £27,760
Less Serious Leg Injuries(c)(ii)£9,110 to £14,080
Less Serious Leg Injuries(c)(iii)Up to £11,840
Knee Injuries(a)(i) - Severe£69,730 to £96,210
Knee Injuries(a)(ii) - Severe£52,120 to £69,730
Knee Injuries(a)(iii) - Severe£26,190 to £43,460

Please remember that broken leg compensation payouts can differ from the amounts listed above. Every claim is unique and there are ultimately many factors that can determine compensation offers. If you have any queries about whether you can receive leg injury compensation, please contact us for legal advice that is completely free.

Our advisors can inform you if you’re eligible to claim, provide a compensation estimate and connect you with a specialised solicitor from our panel who could help you claim.

Free Broken Leg Injury Claim Compensation Estimate When You Call

You may be aware of online personal injury claims calculators. They have the purpose of providing estimates for potential compensation payouts. Their potential downside, though, is that they may miss nuances from a victim’s circumstances when tallying possible figures. But we choose to take a different approach. 

Instead, we shine the spotlight as brightly as possible on every significant facet of your situation. That includes evidence, your condition, the impact on your life and anything else of relevance. And that’s because all of these elements could influence the compensation that you could receive. 

Our team of advisors could offer you a free compensation estimate today. You’ll be under no obligation to proceed with the services of our panel of personal injury lawyers. So, speak to us about potential broken leg compensation payouts.

Injury Claims Solicitors – No Win No Fee Injury Claims

If you are looking to make a broken leg injury claim, our panel of personal injury claims solicitors may be able to help you. They have years of knowledge and expertise which could help you with your claim. Additionally, our panel of solicitors often take on personal accident claims on a No Win No Fee basis. If they do so, you may be offered a type of No Win No Fee agreement called a Conditional Fee Agreement. This type of agreement provides you with many benefits, such as:

  • Generally, no requirement to pay any fees upfront to your solicitor for them to begin working on your claim.
  • There are also usually no ongoing costs throughout the process of your claim.
  • If the claim is successful, your solicitor will deduct a success fee from your compensation award. This success fee is legally capped.
  • If the claim is not successful, you will not have to pay your solicitor for their services.

For more information on personal injury claims payouts, contact our advisors today. They can also put you in contact with one of the personal injury claims solicitors from our panel if they believe that your claim could be successful.

Where Are Top Quality Personal Injury Solicitors?

Personal injury solicitors are not only available on the high streets. They can also be found online. They could also work for you from anywhere in the country. And that’s where we come in. 

Our panel of personal injury lawyers can work on your claim wherever you are in the country. They offer professional, quality advice and support. They can also offer their services on a No Win No Fee basis. So, what are you waiting for? Give us a call today.

Speak With Experts About A Broken Leg Injury Claim

Our expert team could connect you to our panel of personal injury lawyers to handle your leg injury compensation claim. To get in touch, you can use one of the following methods:

Our knowledgeable team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Crucially, there would be no obligation to proceed with your case if you don’t wish to.

More Guidance On Broken Leg Injury Claims

You can find out more about making a personal injury claim by using the links below.

Read our guide to find out how to make a claim if you’ve had an accident whilst shopping.

You can also read more about how to make a public liability claim.

Get further details about how to reduce the risk of public accidents.

You can read NHS guidance about broken leg injuries.

They also provide information about identifying broken bones.

You can get further information about the various NHS services too.

We hope that reading this guide on making a broken leg injury claim has proven useful for you. If you are seeking more advice on broken leg compensation payouts in the UK or any other related matters, then you can get in touch with our advisors at Public Interest Lawyers. You can reach them by using the contact information included within this guide.