£16,000 Compensation Payout For A Fractured Tibia/Shinbone – Case Study & Claims Guide to Calculating Fractured Tibia/Shinbone Compensation

Fractured Tibia/Shinbone compensation

Fractured Tibia/Shinbone compensation

By Lewis Houston. Last Updated 25th January 2023. If you suffer a tibia/shinbone fracture, you may wonder what to do next. And if it occurs due to an accident that’s no fault of yours, you could potentially file a compensation claim. However, it pays to be aware of what the claims process requires and involves. And that’s why this guide is here! We explain everything you should know, as well as covering an example £16,000 case study for a fractured tibia compensation settlement.

Before reading on, make sure you speak to our friendly team, who can link you to our panel of personal injury solicitors. To contact Public Interest Lawyers, complete our online form, use the Live Chat or call us on 0800 408 7825.

Choose A Section

  1. A Guide To Calculate Shinbone/Tibia Compensation
  2. Fractured Tibia/Shinbone
  3. Can I Experience Financial Loss?
  4. What Causes A Tibia/Shinbone Injury?
  5. Specialist Settlement Calculations Of Your Case
  6. How To Get A Care Claim
  7. Case Study: £16,000 Shinbone/Tibia Compensation
  8. No Win No Fee Cases
  9. Could You Use The Best Personal Injury Solicitors?
  10. Discuss With Us
  11. Extra Help

A Guide To Calculate Shinbone/Tibia Compensation

The personal injury claims time limit is in place for any cases such as your potential fractured tibia compensation claim. You have got 3 years to claim from injuring yourself or from learning of your injury. There are of course exceptions to this rule. We’re covering everything throughout this guide from No Win No Fee agreements and care claims to special and general damages. Contact our specialists if you want guidance on any of the key topics above.

Fractured Tibia/Shinbone

The tibia, or shinbone, is the longest and strongest bone in the lower leg. Sitting ahead of the fibula, the tibia provides strength by connecting the knee to the ankle bone. Therefore, a tibia fracture, where the tibia suffers a break at any point, could quickly, albeit temporarily, reduce your mobility. Straight away, there is a compromise to your balance, hence why the injury is a tough one to handle.

Even a minor tibia fracture could take quite a while to heal. For a moderate break, though, you may be looking at three months of incapacity possible more. And if it’s a serious fracture, then you may be waiting six months or more before you are healed. Note that the severity of the break would influence the fractured tibia compensation that you could claim for. Use the Live Chat function 24/7 to ask us any questions.

Can I Experience Financial Loss?

So, you’ve suffered a fractured shinbone, and you’re dealing with the consequences of the injury. But then comes the potential for financial troubles as a result. For example, are you now unable to work, potentially for several months, because of your tibia break? Also, are you paying out of your own pocket for medication to handle the pain? And is your incapacity preventing you from driving, thus requiring frequent costly trips on trains and buses to hospital? Each of these represents the financial fallout, though these could form part of the special damages claim. Want to find out further information? Please speak to our knowledgeable team today.

What Causes A Tibia/Shinbone Injury?

There are various ways that you could suffer a fractured shin bone. Whether the accident occurs in a public place, on the road, or at work, there are usually laws in place that should prevent you from experiencing unnecessary harm.

In this section, we’ll discuss what could cause a broken tibia as well as what duty of care may have been owed to you in this situation. For example:

  • You might be in a restaurant when you slip on a spillage and fall, resulting in a fractured shin. The spillage had not been signposted or cleaned in due time. Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, the restaurant owners have a duty of care to ensure that their premises are safe for any visitors. In this scenario, they have therefore breached their duty of care and you have been injured as a result.
  • You may suffer a broken shin bone in a car accident since the at-fault driver isn’t paying attention to the road. When on the road, under the Road Traffic Act 1988, all road users must behave in a way that reduces the risk of harm. Subsequently, the at-fault driver has acted negligently by not paying attention to the roads and causing you harm.
  • If you work at heights, your employer should provide you with adequate training on how to safely do so. When you are at work, your employer owes you a duty of care to reduce the risk of a workplace injury. This is outlined in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Therefore, if they don’t teach you how to use a ladder correctly, and you fall from the ladder and injure your shin bone, this would be classed as an act of negligence.

Don’t worry if your specific situation isn’t referenced above. As long as you can provide evidence that you have suffered a broken shin bone as a result of the defendant breaching a duty of care, you may be eligible to claim. Get in touch for free legal advice at any time.

Specialist Settlement Calculations Of Your Case

Once you decide to make a claim, you may need to undergo a full assessment of your medical condition. This would properly and fully diagnose the extent of your tibia fracture. That way, you can viably state how much of an impact the injury has had on you, along with the recovery period. And these points could shape the foundation of the fractured tibia compensation that you would claim for.

General and special damages would represent the basis of your case. The focus of general damages would be the pain and suffering you’re enduring, not to mention the loss of amenity. As for the special damages, though, these would handle other areas of loss and expenditure. So, they would potentially include lack of earnings, medication costs and physiotherapy treatment. Receipts and invoices would be recommended to justify each of these areas. Contact us if you have any queries about either general or special damages.

How To Get A Care Claim

We have to also mention care as a factor for special damages. As part of special damages, you may be able to claim for care costs and costs of help around the home if you are unable to perform certain tasks yourself due to your injury. The cost of a carer or home help could be reimbursed to you as part of a successful personal injury claim. The costs you could claim back  could include:

  • Using a nurse or carer to help at home;
  • Receiving gracious care from friends and relatives;
  • Or hiring professionals to handle general chores in the house.

Complete our contact form if you want to discuss care claims in greater depth.

Case Study: £16,000 Shinbone/Tibia Compensation

Mr Grimes, 45, worked as a chef in a top restaurant in the capital. He was a firm favourite amongst attendees for his friendly nature and his top-quality cooking. He had been a chef for as long as he could remember and always liked to be busy especially in the kitchen. However, an accident at work led him to take time away from the kitchen.

One night, Mr Grimes was busy at work cooking meals for customers. At one point, he didn’t realise that another member of the team had mopped the floor due to a spillage. Crucially, Mr Grimes’ colleague didn’t leave any signage or warn him of this. And this would spell disaster.

For when Mr Grimes headed towards the exit of the kitchen with several plates, he slipped on the wet floor. This caused him to fall forward and, upon landing, bash his left shinbone on the edge of one of the ovens (the food plates also dropped and smashed in the process). Mr Grimes was in great pain, and also in a state of shock by what happened. He went to stand up, but realised he couldn’t put weight on his left leg.

After an initial consultation with the first aid team, Mr Grimes headed to hospital to get checked out. There, he was informed that he had suffered a fractured left tibia.

Mr Grimes was greatly upset at the situation. How could his colleague have neglected to tell him, in a busy professional kitchen no less, that there was a slippery surface? Mr Grimes was also dismayed that this accident could potentially hinder his future potential employment. He did not like having to take time away from work. Leading a busy life usually, he could not get used to all the sitting around technically doing nothing. Mr Grimes knew that his customers missed him, and they were delighted when he did return to work.

Mr Grimes sought the advice of a law firm. He had lost out on earnings as he was not paid while he was off, also he was worried that future injuries would damage his leg further. Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 there had been a breach in the duty of care owed to him. So, Mr Grimes filed a claim against his employers. He would receive £16,000 as an out-of-court fractured tibia compensation payout. That comprised £11,110 in general damages along with £4,890 in special damages.

Type Of Special Damages Includes: How Much?
Lost Earnings Costs of being unable to work £4,250
Medical Costs Costs of medication/painkillers for his recovery £100
Physiotherapy Costs of physiotherapy treatment towards the end of his recovery £500
Other Costs Additional costs stemming from his injury £40

The case of Mr Grimes is purely an example. It is based on our past experiences of handling and valuing claims and serves to illustrate how accidents can happen and how they are valued.

No Win No Fee Cases

A No Win No Fee agreement allows you to work with a personal injury solicitor under far less financial strain. Allow us to explain …

  • Under No Win No Fee, you don’t pay a personal injury solicitor’s legal costs initially or during the case;
  • If your case wins, your solicitor takes a success fee, which is capped by law;
  • But if your case loses, then you don’t pay anything to your solicitor

Use our Live Chat function below to find out more about working with a No Win No Fee solicitor.

Could You Use The Best Personal Injury Solicitors?

Public Interest Lawyers can evaluate your case. If you have a strong case with successful merits we could connect you with a personal injury solicitor that works on a No Win No Fee basis. They have the knowledge, capabilities and experience to ensure your claim is filed correctly and promptly. They have a very successful track record of getting claimants the right amount of compensation for their claim. These solicitors are specialists in their field. And they have a fast turnaround to complement the aforementioned No Win No Fee agreements that they utilise. Talk to us about your case today.

Discuss With Us

To speak to us about claiming for fractured tibia compensation, you can use one of the following 3 methods:

Keep in mind you’re not obliged to pursue your claim after talking to us, and we’re accessible 24/7.

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Click on any of the six links below to find out about the corresponding information in relation to claiming for fractured tibia compensation.

Public Interest Lawyers Homepage

Public accident claims

Reducing the risk of public accidents

Official NHS guidance on tibia fracture injuries

A full NHS list of available services for patients

The Highway Code

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