Criminal Injury Compensation Calculator

This is an informative guide to using a criminal injury compensation calculator to receive a personalised estimate of the settlement you could receive after a crime of violence. A compensation calculator can give you a rough estimate of how much your claim could be worth; however, you might find that you get a more accurate assessment of your claim if you speak with someone on our team.

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Criminal Injury Compensation Calculator Guide

A criminal injury claim can be brought forward via several different potential avenues. These are as follows: 

  • Firstly, a criminal injury claim could be made directly against the perpetrator. However, doing this requires you to know the person’s identity and for them to have the available funds to pay the award amount. 
  • Secondly, a case could be brought against a vicariously liable party. This is a third party that owed you a duty of care at the time the criminal violence took place. 
  • Finally, if you cannot claim in either of the two ways above, you could make a claim via the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), which administers a Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme to compensate victims of violent crimes. 

In this guide, we will explain when you could meet the eligibility criteria to claim through the CICA and what evidence you could use to prove your case. What’s more, we will look at how the CICA can value compensation and what you may be eligible to receive for a successful claim. 

You could also receive free advice regarding criminal injuries compensation claims from our helpful team of advisors. They are available 24/7 to give you insight into your potential claim. And although they have access to our panel of criminal injury solicitors, they will not place you under any obligations to progress your claim with us.   

To get in touch today, you can:

  • Call our helpline on 0800 408 7825
  • Contact us via our website
  • Write to one of our advisors using the live chat window below

Select A Section

  1. Criminal Injury Compensation Calculator – How Much Could I Claim?
  2. What Else Could A Criminal Injury Compensation Calculator Consider?
  3. When Could I Make A Criminal Injury Compensation Claim?
  4. How Do I Prove My Criminal Injury Claim?
  5. Types Of Criminal Injuries You Could Claim For
  6. Begin Your Claim With A No Win No Fee Criminal Injury Solicitor

Criminal Injury Compensation Calculator – How Much Could I Claim?

In this section, we will explain how the CICA calculates compensation for a successful criminal injury claim. Firstly, you could receive compensation for the physical and/or psychological injuries caused by the violent crime in line with the Scheme’s tariff of injuries. The table below contains figures from this tariff and you could use it as an alternative to a criminal injury compensation calculator.

Outlined in the Scheme is a multiple-injury formula that explains how the CICA can award compensation for up to three injuries that would all separately qualify. This affects the compensation award for each injury in the following way: 

  • The most serious and, therefore, highest valued injury – 100% of the tariff figure.
  • Equal or second highest valued injury – 30% of the tariff figure.
  • Equal or third highest valued injury – 15% of the tariff figure. 

In addition to this, the CICA could award an additional payment separate from this tariff in the instance that you have become pregnant, lost a foetus or caught a sexually transmitted disease due to the assault. 

CICA Compensation Table

Type of Injury Notes on this Injury Potential Compensation
Major paralysis (not as a result of brain damage) Substantially complete paraplegia. £175,000
Eye injury Loss of sight in both eyes. £110,000
Moderate brain damage A significant dependence on others, personality change, intellectual deficit, some effect on the senses and the ability to work is reduced. £82,000
Mental injury A permanent, seriously disabling mental injury. This will have been confirmed by the prognosis or diagnosis of a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. £27,000
Burns to the head Severe burns to the head, causing more than minor disfigurement. £16,500
Ear injury Loss of one ear. £11,000
Tibia injury The tibia is fractured in one leg leading to a continuing significant disability. £4,600
Face injury A dislocated jaw leading to a significant continuing disability. £3,500
Loss of teeth Loss of two or three front teeth. £2,400
Lung injury One punctured lung. £1,500

Please consider the table above as a guide. If you would like to talk about the compensation you may be eligible to receive, please call our criminal injuries helpline and speak to one of our advisors, or you could use a criminal injury compensation calculator for a settlement estimate.   

What Else Could A Criminal Injury Compensation Calculator Consider?

In addition to an award for your injuries, you could also receive additional compensation for financial losses incurred by the crime of violence. This could include special expenses and loss of earnings.  

In order for you to claim special expenses, you will need to show that they are necessary and reasonable. You’ll also need to show that they can’t be obtained for free elsewhere.

If you would like to learn more about receiving payouts and awards for criminal injury claims, please speak to a member of our team. They can provide more information on the financial losses for which you could receive reimbursement. 

When Could I Make A Criminal Injury Compensation Claim?

To make your claim through the CICA, there are certain eligibility requirements that you and your case must meet. These are as follows:

  • The incident of violent crime must have taken place in either England, Wales, or Scotland. Additionally, it could have occurred in another relevant place outlined by the CICA. 
  • You must be a direct victim of violent crime, as laid out by the CICA.
  • It is imperative that the incident is reported to the police. This needs to be done as soon as reasonably practicable unless exceptional circumstances created a delay. In this case, you could still meet this requirement to claim. 
  • You must be within the relevant time limits stated in the Scheme, which we will discuss in more detail in the following section.  

What Is The Limitation Period On Criminal Injury Claims?

You may wonder how long you have to claim criminal injury compensation. Generally, the time limit to start a claim via the CICA is 2 years from the date the incident was reported to the police. This is expected to have been done as soon as possible. 

Speak to a member of our team today to ask about the time limits that apply to your potential claim. Also, a criminal injury compensation calculator could give you insight into whether your claim is within the time limits. Please remember these time limits can differ depending on whether your claim is made through the CICA or not. 

How Do I Prove My Criminal Injury Claim?

If you decide to make your claim via the CICA, it is important to prove you meet the eligibility requirements to bring your case forward. You will not need to provide proof of the violent crime. This evidence may include: 

  • Your police reference number.
  • Documents showing you meet the CICA’s residency requirements.
  • Proof of financial losses, such as loss of earnings or special expenses caused by your injuries.
  • Medical evidence.

If you would like advice on the evidence you could gather, and how this differs depending on the avenue in which you make your criminal injury claim, please speak to one of our advisors. 

Types Of Criminal Injuries You Could Claim For

There are various types of criminal injuries for which you could be eligible to claim compensation. This includes the following: 

  • Facial scarring 
  • Loss of teeth
  • Fractures
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Burns
  • Brain damage
  • Psychological injuries

There are various factors, such as the severity of your injuries and the extent to which they affect your quality of life, which affect the tariff amount that you could receive.

If you would like to enquire about this, speak to a member of our team, or if you would like an estimate of how much compensation you could get for your injuries, use a criminal injury compensation calculator. 

Begin Your Claim With A No Win No Fee Criminal Injury Solicitor

It is not an obligation to use a solicitor to make a criminal injury claim, however, it could be beneficial. A solicitor can provide the following services: 

  • Advice and guidance throughout the criminal injury claim process that is based on previous experience handling cases of a similar type.
  • Assistance with gathering and compiling evidence.   
  • Help to present a complete claim. 

What’s more, you could opt to go for a No Win No Fee criminal injury solicitor. They could present you with the offer to work on your claim under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This would mean no upfront or ongoing payments to be made for the services your solicitor provides.

Also, there will generally be no payments for these services at any time should your claim fail. And if your claim succeeds, your solicitor can take a small success fee, which the law caps, from the compensation. This is calculated as a previously agreed-upon percentage of your settlement. 

Call our helpline for an assessment of your claim today. Should an advisor find that you may have an eligible case, they could connect you with a specialist No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel.    

Contact Us

Please don’t hesitate to ask our team any questions that you may have in relation to your potential criminal injury claim. 

You can:

  • Call our helpline on 0800 408 7825
  • Contact us via our website
  • Write to one of our advisors using the live chat window below


Please explore more of the guides on our website for further information:

Also, take a look at the following external sources:

If you would like to make any enquiries as an alternative to using a criminal injury compensation calculator, please contact a member of our team today. 

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