How To Make A Broken Foot At Work Claim

Suffering broken bones can have significant and lasting effects not only on your ability to keep working, but on your physical and mental health as well. If you suffered a broken bone in an accident caused by a negligent employer, you may be able to make a broken foot at work claim.

We explain who you can claim compensation for a broken foot injury against. Furthermore, we discuss how legislation gives your employer a duty of care to prevent accidents at work and explain how a claim could be made if a breach of that duty led to a harmful accident and injury.

We also discuss how a payout potentially addressing multiple forms of damage could be awarded for a successful claim. Afterwards, we outline how claiming compensation with one of our panel’s personal injury solicitors on a No Win No Fee basis works in your favour.

Finding out whether you can make an accident at work claim is straightforward and completely free. You can speak to our team of helpful advisors using the details below:

  • Call 0800 408 7825
  • Contact us online to get support from an advisor at a time that suits you.
  • Speak with an advisor via the live chat feature below.

A woman sitting on a step. She is holding a stick in her left hand and adjusting a protective boot with her right.

Browse Our Guide

  1. Who Can You Make A Broken Foot At Work Claim Against?
  2. What Work Accidents Could Lead To Broken Foot Injuries?
  3. What Evidence Could Help You Claim For A Foot Injury At Work?
  4. How Much Compensation For A Broken Foot At Work?
  5. Why Make A Broken Foot At Work Claim On A No Win No Fee Basis?
  6. Read More About Claiming For A Foot Injury At Work

Who Can You Make A Broken Foot At Work Claim Against?

Broken foot injuries can happen for various reasons, such as in a workplace involving manual handling and heavy equipment. However, not all injuries sustained at work will form the basis of a valid claim.

If you’re hurt at work, you may be wondering how to claim and who your broken foot at work claim would be made against. Generally speaking, a workplace foot injury claim would be made against the employer if they acted negligently. 

An employer must follow Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA). This legislation sets out an employer’s legal duty of care. It requires them to take reasonable and practicable steps that keep employees safe from injuries. A failure to do so would be considered a breach of duty. 

The following criteria need to be met for you to have valid grounds to make a personal injury claim against your employer:

  • They owed you a duty of care under HASAWA.
  • They breached this duty, for example by failing to follow necessary safety regulations.
  • An accident resulted from the breach in which you suffered a broken foot.

How Long Do You Have To Claim For A Broken Foot Injury?

As well as meeting the above criteria, your accident at work claim has to be submitted in time. The general time limit for personal injury claims, as established by The Limitation Act 1980, is three years from the accident date.

While this limitation period applies to most cases, the courts may grant an exception in particular circumstances. The best way to check how long you have to claim for a broken foot accident at work is to call our free helpline without delay.

What Work Accidents Could Lead To Broken Foot Injuries?

The following examples show how a breach of an employer’s duty of care could lead to an accident where an employee breaks their foot:

  • A manager asks an employee to carry a heavy item, even though it was known to be too heavy for one person to handle without additional equipment. The employee drops the item on their foot and suffers metatarsal fractures.
  • An employee puts their hand on a broken and poorly maintained handrail, which breaks. After falling down the stairs, they break their foot.
  • Despite knowing the risk of falling items on a construction site, an employer does not provide necessary personal protective equipment, including safety boots. A falling tool lands directly onto a worker’s foot, causing a broken bone.
  • An employee is told to operate a forklift truck without being given any guidance on how to use it. Due to the lack of training, the employee crashes the vehicle, suffering serious injuries including broken bones in the foot and a badly fractured ankle.

If you have evidence that someone else’s negligence led to your injury, you might be able to claim for a broken foot at work. Just call the number above and an advisor can talk you through your options.

A pair of dusty and worn reinforced work boots.

What Evidence Could Help You Claim For A Foot Injury At Work?

If it turns out that you have reasonable grounds to pursue foot injury compensation, you should begin to collect relevant evidence. Among the forms of proof that could be useful are:

  • CCTV footage showing how the accident happened.
  • Pictures of the scene.
  • A copy of your medical records to show the injuries sustained and treatment provided by a medical professional. For example, you could get a copy of an X-ray scan of your foot.
  • A copy of the workplace accident book entry.
  • Contact details of any potential witnesses.

You could instruct a solicitor to help you through the foot injury claims process and with gathering evidence. If you’re wondering what the specialist personal injury solicitors from our panel can do for you, all you have to do is call the number at the top of this page.

How Much Compensation For A Broken Foot At Work?

Winning a broken foot injury claim will lead you to receive compensation for the effects of your broken foot. How much compensation you receive will ultimately depend on different factors, including:

  • Whether your broken foot is coupled with any other physical or psychological injury.
  • The extent of the pain and how long it lasts.
  • Its impact on your quality of life.

Compensation for physical pain and emotional harm caused by a workplace accident that resulted in a broken foot injury falls under the general damages head of loss.

Those involved in calculating compensation for a broken foot at work claim under general damages might look at medical evidence to help determine the payout. For further guidance, they can look at guideline compensation brackets in the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG), a document we have used to put together the table you see below.

Guideline Compensation Table

Except for the top line, the figures you see in the table below all come from the JCG. However, every broken foot compensation claim differs, so this table is only a guide.

Very Severe Foot Injuries Plus Losses And Financial DamageVery SeriousUp to £500,000+
FootAmputation Of One Foot£102,470 to £133,810
Very Severe£102,470 to £133,810
Severe£51,220 to £85,460
Serious£30,500 to £47,840
Moderate£16,770 to £30,500
ModestUp to £16,770
ToeAmputation Of The Great ToeIn the region of £38,210
Severe Toe Injuries£16,770 to £25,710
Serious Toe Injuries£11,720 to £16,770

Can You Also Claim For Financial Losses?

A potential second head of loss could account for a portion of the payout for a broken foot at work. Special damages, which account for financial loss or expenses brought on by your injuries, could eclipse the amount you receive under general damages.

With that in mind, it is worth collecting payslips, receipts, invoices and any other documents showing losses such as:

  • A loss of earnings from being unable to work due to injury.
  • Medical costs.
  • Travel expenses.
  • Payments for mobility aids.

Call today if you’d like to learn more about payouts for workplace accident claims. You can find out more about the compensation you could receive if you pursue a broken foot claim.

Why Make A Broken Foot At Work Claim On A No Win No Fee Basis?

If you’ve suffered a broken foot while working and have a valid compensation claim, you might want professional guidance to give you the best possible chance of success. One of our panel’s personal injury solicitors could help you seek compensation under a form of No Win No Fee agreement.

Specifically, what they offer is a Conditional Fee Agreement, which means:

  • You aren’t asked to pay a solicitor fee in advance or at any stage of the claim.
  • The solicitor will not take a payment for their work if the claim loses.
  • Any success fee they collect in winning personal injury cases is a small percentage of the claimant’s compensation. Due to the legal cap placed on the percentage by the Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013 you can keep the majority of your payout.

If you’re wondering whether you can get the help of a No Win No Fee solicitor with your broken foot claim, we can help. You can get a case evaluation by contacting us today. If you have a valid case, we can connect you with an expert solicitor from our panel to represent you under No Win No Fee terms. 

All you need to do is:

  • Call 0800 408 7825
  • Contact us online to get support from an advisor at a time that suits you.
  • Speak with an advisor via the live chat feature below.

A person with a wrapped-up left foot holding a form for a broken foot at work claim.

Read More About Claiming For A Foot Injury At Work

We have even more guidance on workplace injury compensation claims, like the ones below:

These resources also have useful information:

Thank you for reading our guide to making a broken foot at work claim. Please call if you’d like to discuss your eligibility to claim compensation.