How Can I Claim For Falling Down Stairs At Work?

Falling down stairs at work can result in serious and long-lasting injuries. If the accident in which you were injured occurred because of a negligent employer, you could be wondering how to claim compensation.

According to non-fatal injury statistics published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), slips, trips and falls are the most common reported injury at work, making up 32% of all reports. In this guide, we’ll explain when you could claim for falling down the stairs at work, and who could be responsible.

You might be curious as to how much compensation you could receive. Our guide will not only explore what kinds of compensation you could get, but how these different kinds are calculated.

We’ll also discuss some of the steps that you could take during the accident at work claims process, and finally look at how a solicitor could help you.

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We have a dedicated team of advisors waiting to hear from you. If you have any questions, concerns, or you’d just like to get more information about the accident at work claims process, get in touch today by:

A man in a suit walks up an outdoor concrete stairway

Browse Our Guide

  1. Can I Claim For Falling Down Stairs At Work?
  2. What Injuries Could Be Caused By Falling Down Stairs At Work?
  3. How Can I Prove A Claim For Falling Down Stairs At Work?
  4. What Compensation Could I Receive For Falling Down Stairs At Work?
  5. How Can A Solicitor Help You Claim Accident At Work Compensation?
  6. Read More About Claiming For Slips, Trips, And Falls

Can I Claim For Falling Down Stairs At Work?

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA), you are owed a duty of care by your employer. This legislation states that they need to take all reasonably practicable steps to keep you safe while working.

Falling down the stairs at work can cause severe injuries, but these won’t always translate to a successful claim. This is because you can only sue your employer if you can establish that negligence occurred, which means you need to prove that:

  • Your employer owed you a duty of care
  • This duty had been breached
  • As a result of this breach, you were injured

What Steps Can An Employer Take To Prevent Falling Down Stairs?

The steps that your employer is obliged to take to uphold this duty of care can vary, depending on the working environment and your individual needs. However, some common steps that can be taken to prevent falling down stairs can include:

  • Performing regular risk assessments and implementing measures to address any hazards found that pose a risk of injury
  • Clearing clutter and obstructions from stairwells and walkways
  • Making sure handrails are properly installed and maintained
  • Cleaning up spillages in an adequate time frame or adequately signposting them

If you’d like to find out if you could claim compensation for injuries sustained after falling down a staircase, contact our team today.

A man in a blue t-shirt lays injured at the bottom of a staircase

What Injuries Could Be Caused By Falling Down Stairs At Work?

Some common injuries you could sustain after a fall down stairs could include:

Our advisors are here to help if you’re wondering, “Can I claim for falling down stairs at work?”, so contact us today. Or, read on to learn about proving a compensation claim.

How Can I Prove A Claim For Falling Down Stairs At Work? 

Proving your claim is an essential part of the accident at work claims process, because it’s your responsibility to show that your employer acted negligently.

Some examples of evidence that you might use to prove your case can include:

  • Witness statements from colleagues
  • CCTV footage if your workplace has a CCTV system
  • Photographs of your injuries
  • Photographs of anything that contributed to the accident, such as a broken handrail
  • Accident book logs providing details about your accident and injury
  • Medical records, such as X-ray scans or other test results

You might also be invited to attend an independent medical assessment as part of the claims process. This can show that the injuries you sustained were caused by the accident detailed in your claim. It can also help when valuing how much compensation you could be owed in a successful case.

It can be hard to know where to start when collecting evidence. This is one of the reasons why we recommend that you work with an accident at work solicitor, because they can help you prove your claim.

Get in touch with us today to get more information about proving a claim for falling down stairs at work, or keep reading for more information on claiming for a workplace accident.

A yellow caution sign warns employees that the staircase is wet

What Compensation Could I Receive For Falling Down Stairs At Work?

So, now you know more about the question, “Can I claim for falling down stairs at work?”, you may be interested in how much compensation you could receive.

All claims are different, so it can be difficult to provide an example compensation amount. This is because compensation is calculated depending on different things, like:

  • How severe your injuries are
  • What kinds of evidence is collected
  • If the defendant accepts liability
  • What financial losses you endure

With this in mind, there’s two kinds of compensation you could receive. Compensation under the first heading, general damages, covers the pain and suffering caused by the injuries sustained by falling down stairs.

The Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) is often used to help when calculating compensation under this heading. This document offers compensation guidelines that legal professionals and others can reference when valuing a claim. You can see some of these brackets below, but keep in mind that these are not guaranteed amounts, and that the first entry isn’t from the JCG.

Judicial College Guideline Compensation Brackets

InjuryCompensation Bracket
Multiple Injuries And Special Damages, e.g Lost EarningsUp to £1,000,000+
Very Severe Brain Damage (a)£344,150 to £493,000
Moderate Brain Damage (c) (i)£183,190 to £267,340
Severe Back Injuries (a) (iii)£111,150 to £196,450
Moderate Neck Injuries (b) (i)£30,500 to £46,970
Moderate Neck Injuries (b) (iii)£9,630 to £16,770
Severe Pelvic And Hip Injuries (a) (i)£95,680 to £159,770
Less Severe Arm Injuries (c)£23,430 to £47,810
Serious Shoulder Injuries (b) (i)£15,580 to £23,430
Chest Injuries (g)Up to £4,820

What Are Special Damages?

Special damages cover the financial losses caused by your injuries. For example, if you hit your head during the fall and could no longer work, this could cause a significant loss of earnings. These could be recouped under special damages, along with the cost of:

  • Travel to and from medical appointments
  • Prescriptions and other medical expenses
  • Mobility aids and prosthetics
  • Childcare and help with housekeeping
  • Home adjustments

Get in touch with our team of advisors today to find out more about claiming compensation for falling down a staircase at work.

A solicitor answers the question, "Can I claim for falling down stairs at work?"

How Can A Solicitor Help You Claim Accident At Work Compensation?

We’ve already mentioned that we recommend claiming compensation with the help of a solicitor. But why?

Making a compensation claim with a No Win No Fee solicitor can have a lot of benefits, including:

  • No upfront fees for their work
  • No fees for their work if the claim fails
  • Help with gathering evidence
  • Years of knowledge and experience to help you through the process
  • Help with decoding legal jargon

Our panel of No Win No Fee solicitors work under the terms of a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which means you’ll pay a small success fee if the claim succeeds. This is taken as a percentage that has a legal cap ensuring you receive the majority of your awarded settlement.

Contact Us

Our team of advisors are here to help. They can evaluate your claim for free, and answer any other questions you might have. If they find that you have a valid claim, then they could connect you with a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor from our panel.

Get started today by:

Read More About Claiming For Slips, Trips, And Falls

For more information on personal injury claims:

Further resources:

We hope our guide has answered the question, “Can I claim for falling down stairs at work?”. If you have any other questions, get in touch using the number above.