£16,000 Compensation Payout For Damaged Hair | Case Study And Compensation Claims Advice

Have you suffered hair damage after a visit to your beauty salon? Though beauticians, hairdressers and barbers are often trained and trustworthy, if you suffered an injury that could have been prevented you may be wondering what you could do? If your hair or scalp were damaged due to negligence, and your injuries were avoidable you could potentially make a beauty salon claim. But what would you need to be aware of?           

That’s what this guide is for. We aim to explain legal jargon such as duty of care and special and general damages. On top of that, we take a look at the laws that aim to protect your health and safety as a client at a salon or an employee. 

We include an example case study of a victim of hair and scalp damage due to the negligence of a hairdresser. The section list below provides further insight into what we’ll cover in this guide.

We aim to illustrate how personal injury lawyers could help support your hair damage accident claim. If you’d like to be put in touch with our team, or just talk through your situation with our advisors, contact the team by:

a woman pulling hair off a brush after suffering Damaged Hair at a Beauty Salon

Choose A Section

  1. A Guide To Calculate Hair Damage Compensation
  2. What Is Hair Damage?
  3. Hair Damage Might Cause Financial Issues
  4. Common Causes Of Hair Damage
  5. Expert Hair Damage Settlement Calculations
  6. Care Claims For Hair Damage Negligence
  7. Case Study: £16,000 Hair Damage Compensation
  8. Beauty Salon Claim Estimates For Negligence Victims
  9. Who Is Eligible For No Win No Fee Beauty Salon Claim?
  10. Find Quality Personal Injury Solicitors To Make A Beauty Salon Claim
  11. Chat With Us About A Beauty Salon Claim
  12. More Guides 

A Guide To Calculate Hair Damage Compensation

In this guide, we will discuss hair damage compensation and making a beauty salon claim. We’ll examine the benefits of No Win No Fee agreements, along with the drawbacks of compensation calculators. We’ll also explain the personal injury claims process and provide an example case study to demonstrate it.

Before we continue, it’s important to note the personal injury claims time limit. There is a 3-year window for you to claim from either the date of being injured or the date you became knowledgeable that were injured through negligence. This would mean you may not be able to claim if you were to wait until after that 3-year window ends. However, there are exceptions to this. To find out more, speak to our helpful team today about your case.

If you’re considering making a beauty salon claim, this guide aims to help answer your questions. If you find that you don’t get the answers you need, or you’d prefer to discuss your situation, our advisors are here to help. They’re available 24/7 through our live chat or our phones. They also offer free legal advice with no obligation for you to proceed with the services of our panel of personal injury solicitors.

What Is Hair Damage?

Hair and scalp can be damaged in numerous ways. Poorly executed permanent waving or tinting could result in dermatitis, eczema, tingling or burns to the scalp. Negligence on a professional’s part could also cause dry, brittle hair, which breaks or falls out. Clients could suffer bald patches and regrowth could even be prevented. 

The chemicals used in some treatments, such as a hair dye, might leave the client’s hair and scalp physically and visually affected. This is especially true if they don’t carry out a patch test before your treatment. Some people can suffer reactions to chemicals used for hair treatments. It is vital that hairdressers perform patch tests 24 hours before any treatment is carried out to ensure that their client does not suffer any adverse reactions to the products they are going to use. 

If a professional damaged your hair, through negligence, it may have led you to suffer mentally from distress, anxiety or depression. As well as claiming for hair damage, you could add the mental anguish you’ve suffered to a beauty salon claim. 

Call our friendly team at any point to ask any questions regarding this.

Hair Damage Might Cause Financial Issues

You may find that you endure considerable financial loss after suffering hair damage when you try to fix the problem. You might not realise until you’ve spent money on three or four additional services to remedy your hair that it can’t be rectified. Therefore, you may not only suffer injuries, but you could be down on finances and savings too. 

What’s more, the severity of a chemical burn could keep you from working while you recover. As a vital part of our appearance, the NHS acknowledges that hair loss can be upsetting. If you took unpaid time off work because of the impact it had on your mental health, or you paid for your own therapy because of the loss, you could reclaim the costs if your claim is successful.

It’s important to give evidence of any financial loss that is caused by your injuries or damaged hair. You could keep proof such as bills, invoices or receipts. Use the live chat option in the bottom corner for further details.

Common Causes Of Hair Damage

Determining the role of negligence after suffering any injury means proving that:

  • A third party owed you a duty of care.
  • They breached this duty.
  • The result was you suffering an injury, an example being hair damage.

To determine if a professional owed you a duty of care, we can look at the law. The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 aims to prevent accidents in public places. It requires those in control of land, premises or property to, as practicably as possible, protect the health and wellbeing of visitors. A beauty salon could have a duty of care to its clients under this legislation.

A hair damage injury could be seen as your scalp being burnt due to an untrained beautician not carrying out a patch test when colouring your hair. Under the law, the salon could be liable. However, if you encouraged the beautician to colour your hair without carrying out a patch test, and you knew the risks, you might not be able to make a beauty salon claim. To be able to have a valid case your injury must be caused through negligence by those who have a responsibility towards your health and well being. 

Employers have a duty of care under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1957. So far, we have discussed situations whereby a customer is harmed, but what if an employee suffers an injury at work? Perhaps they inadvertently suffer a chemical burn due to their employer’s negligence. If those tasked with supplying suitable equipment or PPE didn’t provide it to the employee, the employer could be held liable. The Act requires employers to protect the health and safety of employees as reasonably as possible. 

Learn more about hair damage accident scenarios by chatting with our helpful team any time of the day. 

Expert Hair Damage Settlement Calculations

In the aftermath of suffering hair damage, you may visit a doctor. If you choose to make a personal injury claim, a further medical assessment is required. This allows a medical professional to examine the extent of your injury accurately. It could prove that the actions of the beautician or professional caused (or worsened) your injuries. And it may determine how long it would be before your hair returns to a satisfactory condition, if ever again. The report from this medical assessment and other evidence would be used to value your claim. 

The total value of your compensation would be a sum of general damages as well as special damages. General damages compensate you for any pain that you’ve endured, ongoing suffering and any apparent impact on your amenity. Special damages compensate you for financial loss. This is where additional hair treatment costs become significant, as well as the cost of travel to and from medical appointments, or the appointments themselves if you’ve paid for private care. In order to prove these costs, you must have evidence.

Contact us by completing our form if you want to discuss general or special damages in greater depth.

Care Claims For Hair Damage Negligence

You may wish to include a care claim as part of your beauty salon claim. You could recover the costs of aftercare you received due to your hair damage if your case is successful. The psychological effects of damaged hair can be debilitating, as can the physical. You may have asked a friend or family member to help you carry out daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, washing or childcare while you recovered. You may have even had to pay for these. 

Whatever the case may be, any care you receive specifically due to your injury could make up a care claim. You could reclaim the costs. The care claim is part of special damages And, if your family or friends provided gracious care, they could be compensated for their time. Drop us a line on the number above to talk about care claims with us.

Case Study: £16,000 Hair Damage Compensation

Mrs Mooney, 53, works as a councillor in her local constituency. She often uses local businesses for personal services such as haircuts and facials. But one such visit would have a terrible outcome.

One afternoon, a day before a family holiday she’d been very much looking forward to, Mrs Mooney was at her local beauty salon. She was having a haircut and, for the first time, asked for hair highlights to be added. Mrs Mooney enjoyed visiting the salon. However, a new starter who wasn’t fully trained would make a catastrophic error.

When the employee was tasked with handling Mrs Mooney’s treatment, she failed to carry out a patch test. When she applied the bleaching chemicals onto Mrs Mooney’s hair, she inadvertently burned her scalp and hair. The pain was instantly felt, but the trainee assured her it was normal and would ease. Hours later, after returning home and finding that the burning sensation only increased, Mrs Mooney visited her doctor.

Why Did She Make a Beauty Salon Claim?

Not only did she discover that her head was burned, but parts f her hair and begun to fall out.  Her hair fell out in the affected area and the prospect of regrowth was poor. Mrs Mooney lost the deposit for her holiday and couldn’t work due to her appearance. This was a personal source of embarrassment, given the high-profile local nature of her position.

Yet it stemmed from the negligence at a salon she trusted. Why hadn’t they trained this new starter sufficiently to avoid a calamitous situation such as this? And it was now too late to undo the damage. 

She sought legal advice about making a compensation claim. Mrs Mooney felt terrible about doing so, but ultimately a duty of care breach had occurred. Mrs Mooney received £16,000 as a beauty salon claim settlement: in general damages and in special damages.

Type Of General Damages Includes: How Much?
Damage to hair Defective hair tinting, where the effects are ‘burning’ of the scalp causing hair to fall out, leading to distress, embarrassment, and loss of confidence, and inhibiting social life. Prospects of regrowth are poor. £10,340
Type Of Special Damages Includes: How Much?
Travel Expenses Travel to and from doctor’s office £20
Medical Costs Costs of painkillers, extra dressings and prescriptions £50
Private Therapy Six sessions of therapy to restore her confidence £600
Care Costs Care from family (including childcare) £500
Hair cosmetic treatment Private treatment £3,490
Loss of holiday Lost deposit £1,000

Note that Mrs Mooney’s situation is just an example to demonstrate an accident scenario and the personal injury claims process. It is based on past cases, not on an actual case and is merely a scenario to show the possibility of compensation payouts. 

Beauty Salon Claim Estimates For Negligence Victims

We would avoid determining a claim estimate via an online personal injury claims calculator. That’s because they can miss the varying factors of individual cases. Every hair damage injury has different consequences psychologically, physically and financially.

An advisor from our team can discuss your circumstances and give you a sound estimation. We would offer the compensation estimate at no charge as a courtesy to you. To find out more, get in touch by calling or sending a message through our live chat. Our advisors are here for you, 24/7.

Who Is Eligible For No Win No Fee Beauty Salon Claim?

There are numerous benefits to a No Win No Fee agreement for someone wanting to fund a solicitor to help them make a beauty salon claim.

  • Firstly, the personal injury solicitor wouldn’t charge you for their fees during a case.
  • Secondly, if the case loses, you don’t have to pay your solicitor fees.
  • Finally, while your solicitor would take a success fee if your case wins, it’s capped by law, limiting what you would pay.

Enquire with us anytime about the advantages of working with a No Win No Fee solicitor.

Find Quality Personal Injury Solicitors To Make A Beauty Salon Claim

When looking for an experienced and knowledgeable solicitor to represent your case you want to look for qualities such as; good communicator, excellent reviews, and successful past cases similar to your own. You may ask family for recommendations, or friends. You could even look at online reviews or search for local firms.

Or you could call our advisors at Public Interest Lawyers. They could assess your case for free. If your case looks promising you could be connected to a No Win No Fee solicitor. Use the live chat to speak to an advisor or call on the number at the top of the page, and we could assist you from that point onwards. There is no obligation to proceed with our services so, if you’re unsure, there’s no pressure to take your case further.

Chat With Us About A Beauty Salon Claim

To contact Public Interest Lawyers about making a beauty salon claim for hair damage, you have three options:

Someone would handle your enquiry in a timely manner as we operate 24/7, and you’re not under pressure to proceed with a claim.

More Guides 

The links below provide further information about beauty salon claims by discussing the following topics: