£36,000 Compensation Payout For A Car Accident Hand Injury – Case Study & Claims Guide to Calculating Car Accident Hand Injury Compensation

Car accident hand injury compensation

Car accident hand injury compensation amounts

If you’ve suffered a hand injury in a car accident that was not your fault, and are wondering what hand injury compensation amounts you could be owed, this article uses an example case study to show you.

During this guide, we explain the process of making a personal injury claim from start to finish and hope to address any concerns or questions you may have about starting your claim.   

On the roads, courtesy of the Highway Code we all owe each other a duty of care. This is true whether we are drivers, cyclists or even pedestrians. If a car accident happens because there is a breach of this duty those victims who suffer a non-fault injury could be eligible to claim compensation. 

We provide the links to further reading and the latest statistics throughout. We also encourage you to get in touch at any point if you would like to start a claim. Or even if you just require more information on any of the topics discussed. 

If you suffered a hand injury during a road traffic accident that was not your fault, and you believe the accident could have been avoided, speak to our team today. You can call directly at 0800 408 7825.  Email us at Public Interest Lawyers. We look forward to helping you.

Select a Section

  1. A Guide To Calculate Compensation For A Car Accident Hand Injury
  2. What Are Hand Injuries?
  3. Financial Struggles From Hand Injuries
  4. Examples Of Common Car Accidents
  5. Ask About Care Claims
  6. Get A Compensation Settlement Value From Lawyers
  7. Case Study: £36,000 Compensation For A Car Accident Hand Injury
  8. Hand Injury Compensation Amounts Calculation Estimates
  9. No Win No Fee
  10. Find Specialist Personal Injury Solicitors For Hand Injury Compensation Amounts
  11. Contact Today
  12. Further Guides

A Guide To Calculate Compensation For A Car Accident Hand Injury

Starting a personal injury claim against your workplace, someone responsible for a public space, or another road user may seem complicated. Many people imagine the process to be daunting and time-consuming. However, if you opt to use a No Win No Fee solicitor they can take the stress out of seeking hand injury compensation amounts and we explain how.

Although this article is about road traffic accidents we will also provide information on;

  • Accidents in the workplace (employer’s liability)
  • Accidents in public areas (occupiers liability/public liability)

A large percentage of personal injuries happen in these three main areas of daily life. We explain the laws that seek to uphold your safety. Also, we explain how to identify if anyone had a duty of care to you and how this may have been breached to cause your injures. Moreover, by examining No Win No Fee personal injury lawyers we show you how these may be beneficial to your case. 

At the conclusion, we show you how to go about finding a personal injury solicitor through reviews and online testimonials. 

What Are Hand Injuries?

Hand injuries could include damage to fingers, palm, wrist, and forearm and as vital parts of the body for manual dexterity, any type of injury to them can present serious problems.

Hand injuries could consist of strains and sprains, also, ligament and nerve damage as well as fractures and breaks. The NHS’ website provides lots of additional and factual advice when it comes to fractured fingers

Who Owes Us A Duty Of Care?

The Health And Safety At Work etc Act 1974 is a set of laws that asks all employers to provide a workplace that is as safe as practically possible. It examines the ways this can be achieved. Employers may provide training, as well as, onsite maintenance and personal protective equipment when needed to comply with this legislation. This is designed to make your place of work as safe as possible.

The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 requires a similar level of safety awareness and prevention. This law covers any private operators or local authority and tries to ensure our safety when out in the street, shopping, using leisure facilities, or just walking in the park. If you had an accident that was not your fault, in an area that is available to the general public and you’re not sure who had the duty of care, speak to our team for clarification.

Our example case study focuses on someone who was injured in a road traffic accident. The Highway Code seeks to promote the same duty of care for all road users, including cyclists and pedestrians. This guide even urges motorists to consider the fact that many drivers may not present the requisite level of care and attention when driving and to anticipate that to avoid accidents.

Financial Struggles From Hand Injuries

An injury to one or both hands can present an enormous struggle. Used as often as they are for so many tasks, we take our hands for granted. It’s not until we lose the function of one, even temporarily, that we can fully comprehend how important they are..

If you suffered a hand injury and cannot go about your day as you normally would, you may start to experience financial difficulties as a result. Anything that you need to do and cannot perform yourself could become a cost implication. Such demands are often immediate. 

If you injure your hands it is very likely that you may not be able to work. This could mean you lose out on income. You also may not be able to complete household chores. Paid help can be very expensive. But you may have no other choice if family and friends are unable to help. A professional carer may be needed to help with washing and dressing. All of these things may cost you money you cannot spare. 

However, if you have a successful claim any expenses and losses incurred as a result of your injuries may be recuperated. If you decide to use a solicitor they will show you how to correctly record these. Keeping receipts and invoices are key to claiming these costs back. 

Examples Of Common Car Accidents

Reckless and dangerous driving can cause accidents very easily. If a driver ignores their duty of care, they could easily cause serious injury and damage.

If you are involved in a car accident that was the fault of another road user you could claim for any injuries you sustain. 

As reported by the Gov.uk website, latest statistics show that road traffic accidents are all too common and hand injuries could easily result from any number of collisions and incidents involving other motorists, pedestrians, or cyclists. Collisions with other vehicles, being knocked over as a pedestrian or being knocked from your bike are all potential scenarios where you could be harmed.

The hand is often a key part of avoiding impact with other objects. We often put out our hands to help us. The workplace is also somewhere that records a very high volume of accidents and these latest statistics show just how many people reported injuries during 2019/20. Some of these could have involved the hand in a similar attempt to prevent or deflect harm.

Ask About Care Claims

If you find yourself incapacitated because of a hand injury, you may need help to perform basic household tasks. Family and friends can help. Their time can be recorded and reimbursed. If you cannot rely on the help of your family, the costs of simply maintaining a basic level of normality can be staggering.

If you need someone to come into your home and assist with tasks such as cooking, cleaning, washing, and personal care, these bills can represent an overwhelming financial disaster. 

A No Win No Fee personal injury lawyer can advise you on how to record and collate this information and have it presented as part of your compensation. All invoices and estimates that relate to any sum you have had to pay out could be included. 

Speak to us today for further information.

Get A Compensation Settlement Value From Lawyers

If you decide to use the services of a No Win No Fee personal injury lawyer they will advise you that a medical assessment is a crucial part of your case. The ability to prove that your injuries were a result of an accident is key.

Your lawyer will go on to seek two types of compensation on your behalf.  The first is general damages. This is compensation payable for pain, suffering and loss of amenity due to injuries sustained in an accident. Both physical and/or psychological injuries will be included here. To get an idea of how much compensation you could be owed, you can refer to the Judicial College Guidelines.

 The JC guidelines are a detailed table of awards for all manner of personal injury. For a scenario like our example case study below, the accident would involve a crushed hand considered ‘less serious’ but still result in a payout between £13,570 – £27,220. For perspective, the total loss of both hands would see a bracket of £132,040 to £189,110. These figures are for only one part of the compensation.

Special damages aim to collect up all the actual, out-of-pocket expenses you incurred as a result of trying to deal with the repercussions of your injuries. Loss of earnings, travel costs to hospital, counselling, and physiotherapy, damage to personal property, care costs, and modifications or adaptations to your home can be all included as part of your claim against the negligent party.

If your injuries caused a financial expense and you’re not sure if it could be eligible for inclusion in your hand injury compensation amount, speak to our team today and see how we could help you.

Case Study: £36,000 Compensation For A Car Accident Hand Injury

Miss Townsend believed she was safe sitting in a stationary car while waiting for her husband to return from the takeaway. It was a warm evening so she had the window down on the passenger side and was reading a magazine.

Out of nowhere, a car lost control and crashed head-on into her. An ambulance was called straight away. Miss Townsend felt immediate pain in her hand. 

At the hospital, she was informed that her hand had been badly crushed. She was sent for an x-ray straight away. The doctor informed her that she would have permanent damage, reduced sensation and impaired grip even after surgery. There was a possibility of arthritis in later life. Miss Townsend was really scared and worried. 

The recovery was long and painful. During which time she needed a lot of help and support to cope with the daily tasks she took for granted before. Very upset and angry, she decided to hire a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor to help her with a claim for personal injury. 

Hand Injury Compensation Amounts

During proceedings, Miss Townsend’s lawyer was able to present all the medical evidence and fight for her damages without any immediate cost to her. Throughout the case, which took longer than expected to settle, she still did not have to pay for the excellent legal advice she was receiving. 

When the other party admitted liability she was finally awarded £36,000. This included general and special damages. This meant she could concentrate on healing her hand and putting her life back together.

Miss Townsend’s damages were calculated as follows:


General damages Special damages
Less Serious Hand Injury £25,100 Carer- £3,200
Lost earnings – £5,000
Travel costs to hospital – £250
Help with childcare – £1,250
Physiotherapy – Additional treatment after NHS £1000
Gardener £200


This is purely a sample of what a case study may look like. It is not based on actual events but from our past experiences of previous personal injury claims.

Hand Injury Compensation Amounts Calculation Estimates

Our case study is purely an example but it demonstrates how a road traffic accident claim may be pursued. You may search online for a claim calculator but these do not take into account special damages. They only produce figures for general damages. 

All other road users have a duty to drive as carefully as possible to avoid harming themselves and each other. When they deliberately breach this responsibility through reckless driving you have a right to seek compensation for your injuries.

If you would like a better idea of how much compensation you could be owed for your hand injury, get in touch with our highly-knowledgeable personal injury claims team today.  

No Win No Fee

There are many advantages to using No Win No Fee solicitor:

  • No fees to pay the solicitor while the case is ongoing, however long it takes.
  • If your case does not win, there are no fees to pay your solicitors at all.
  • Most No Win No Fee solicitors only accept cases that are sure to have a very good chance of success, and if yours wins, there is only a small fee to pay.
  • This fee, known as a ‘success fee’, is capped by law to keep it low. Leaving the bulk of the compensation for you.
  • You receive excellent legal advice and support throughout your case.

Whether you have experience using a lawyer or not, a No Win No Fee agreement can offer you an easier, more cost-effective way of claiming compensation.

Find Quality Personal Injury Solicitors For Hand Injury Compensation Amounts

Many people would do an internet search for ‘No Win No Fee’ which would create a huge volume of search results. This may not necessarily help in your search to find the right lawyer to handle your case.

Reviews can help give an insight into how companies work, how quickly they settle claims and what the communication with the client is like. Online testimonials are also a good way to establish if the solicitor is right for you. 

Our team would discuss your case and eligibility. If your case had winning merits they could connect you to our panel of No Win No Fee personal injury solicitors. They can handle cases remotely helping people like you win the right amount of compensation for your case. 

Contact Methods

Getting in touch with us is easy. You can:

We hope this guide about hand injury compensation amounts has been informative and helped in your decision to launch a negligence case against the workplace, public operator or a road user who injured you. We look forward to helping you.

Extra Clicks

If you’d like further reading on accidents on public transport, please click here

Also, details about launching a claim against the council, please click here

As well as, further reading on accident hot spots, please click here

Additionally,  further information on hand injuries, please read here

For more reading on how to use the NHS services, please read here

And finally, further reading on road safety, please read here

Article by EA

Publishers  LC/II/NI