£110,000 Compensation Payout For A Kidney Injury | Case Study

A kidney injury could prove to be very serious and cause severe health complications. If you suffer kidney damage or impairment because of an accident that was not your fault but due to a breach in the duty of care that should have been applied to your situation you may be looking on taking legal action. But what should you know beforehand? This guide could answer those questions, and it includes an example of a £110,000 case study for kidney injury compensation.

Before you click the section headings below, remember that you can contact Public Interest Lawyers at any time. Our panel of personal injury solicitors could handle your case for a kidney compensation payout, and we’re accessible 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. To speak to us, you could telephone us on 0800 408 7825, complete the online contact form, or use our Live Chat.

Kidney injury compensation

Kidney injury compensation

Choose A Section

  1. A Guide To Calculate Compensation For A Kidney Injury
  2. Kidney Injuries
  3. Victims Could Suffer Financially
  4. How Can Accidents Cause Kidney Injuries?
  5. Quality Settlement Calculations
  6. What Care Claims Apply To Kidney Injuries?
  7. Case Study: £110,000 Compensation For A Kidney Injury
  8. Free Expert Estimates
  9. No Win No Fee Kidney Injury Claims
  10. You Could Use High-Quality Personal Injury Solicitors
  11. Talk With Our Experts
  12. Additional Guidance

A Guide To Calculate Compensation For A Kidney Injury

Compensation calculators, the financial fallout of a kidney injury and No Win No Fee agreements; we’re covering them all here. And we also want to briefly explain the personal injury claims time limit, for you would have to claim within a set time. In British law, this means you have 3 years to claim after suffering or learning of your kidney injury. There are exceptions to the rule. Find out more about this topic by speaking with our friendly advisors.

Kidney Injuries

A kidney injury is any situation where either of the two kidney organs suffers unexpected force, resulting in functional complications. It could also be if they are damaged through illness. Although kidney damage could stem from an illness or a build-up of toxins in the body, for the purpose of this guide, we’re focusing on situations where a kidney injury comes about via an accident. In that regard, physical cause could be when the abdomen receives an unusually high level of pressure. And this subsequently places an overload of force on the kidney, resulting in an injury.

The function of the kidney could become impaired causing different types of illness. Depending on the severity of the injury, a victim could require anything from a few weeks to a few months of recovery. But for severe cases, the sufferer might require permanent medication to handle the consequences of their kidney damage. It could also result in a kidney losing the total loss of function and need removing. Find out further details by chatting to our experienced team today.

Victims Could Suffer Financially

So, you’ve suffered a kidney injury. Already, you’re noting the physical consequences, but what about the financial side? For starters, your injury might prevent you from working for a sustained period, which could mean months of unpaid sick leave. While you’re making ends meet without your salary, you could then have to find money to cover a variety of costs.

Then, there are the costs of using public transport for hospital appointments if you are unable to drive or do not have a car. And if you hire a professional to take care of you (more on that later), you’re suddenly liable to lose out financially. And these costs could be very high for the duration of your recuperation. Such losses and expenses could form the basis of the special damages claim. Personal injury lawyers could ensure you receive the correct amount of compensation your injury. Call us by using the number above to understand more about the financial impact of your kidney injury.

How Can Accidents Cause Kidney Injuries?

The negligence of a third party would represent the cause of the kidney injury if your claim is going to succeed. In order for this to be viable, you must first prove that a third party owed you a duty of care. Then, you must prove that this was somehow breached. And then you have to prove that the consequences saw you suffer an injury, such as kidney damage.

Duty of care is applied in many aspects of our day to day lives without us being aware of it. Employer’s liability (EL) is the first, and this relates to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. The duty of care here is to avoid workplace injuries. If you suffer an injury in the workplace due to your employer’s negligence you may have the right to be compensated for your suffering. And if you suffer multiple injuries from an accident at work, then a multiple injury claim could be the direction to take.

Public liability (PL) is the second area, which links to the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. Here, we’re talking about accidents in public places and the steps taken by land occupiers to prevent them. But between restaurants, bars, nightclubs, hotels, beaches and more, an accident in a public place could still occur.

The last area relates to road traffic accidents (RTAs). Any crash or collision caused by negligence would be a breach of a duty of care for all road users under the Highway Code. This applies to drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. A typical situation here could see a cyclist knocked off their bike by an overtaking vehicle, causing the rider abdominal injuries such as an injury to their kidney.

Learn more about scenarios resulting in kidney injuries by using the Live Chat at the bottom of this page.

Quality Settlement Calculations

A full medical assessment may be a requirement of the claims process. This allows you to have a complete diagnosis of the true extent of your kidney injury. A link could then be established between the original incident and your present-day physical condition. After all, it could determine that, only for the accident, you wouldn’t have any kidney issues.

From there, your potential kidney compensation payout would be broken down into both general and special damages. Starting with general damages, they would highlight the physical pain and suffering that you’re enduring, plus the impact on your life from the kidney injury. When it comes to special damages, these would handle the lack of income due to your injury, medical costs and any public transport requirements. All of these would benefit from you retaining and producing the receipts and invoices for each corresponding cost. Call us by using the number at the top of the page if you have any questions about either general or special damages.

What Care Claims Apply To Kidney Injuries?

A care claim could also form part of your special damages. This would incorporate any assistance you receive as a direct result of your kidney injury, such as:

  • The gracious care from family members and friends;
  • Along with the hiring of a nurse or carer;
  • And any paid professionals to look after house chores.

If your kidney injury precludes you from looking after yourself to any extent, these care options would be a possibility. And they could influence your eventual kidney compensation payout. To understand care claims in greater depth, please talk to our knowledgeable team, who can connect you to personal injury solicitors.

Case Study: £110,000 Compensation For A Kidney Injury

Mrs Graham, 40, worked as a bank manager. She had been in the role for many years, and she was regarded as a vital part of the team. But one night, her future career plans, and indeed her future as a whole, were thrown into turmoil after a road accident.

On this particular evening, Mrs Graham was driving home after finishing work. She had to take the motorway to get to her home. As she was slowing down to take the turn to her junction a lorry misjudged her speed and hit her car from behind.

The sudden impact and the force of the lorry caused the car to swerve and collide into the barrier on Mrs Graham’s immediate left. In doing so, she fell forward, with the steering wheel impacting her stomach.

The accident left Mrs Graham unconscious, though a paramedic that had been driving behind the lorry saw what happened and came to her aid. She was quickly revived, though she was in tremendous pain with her abdomen. Mrs Graham was taken to hospital, by which point she was enduring a lot of suffering and pain. She was officially diagnosed with a ruptured right kidney, as well as severe bruising to her left kidney.

As a result, Mrs Graham was kept in hospital for two weeks while doctors could oversee her condition. One of Mrs Grahm’s kidney was totally void, the kidney was damaged so badly it had lost complete function. Even at home, she suffered greatly due to her injuries.

Mrs Graham was left deeply upset by what had happened. Her life had suddenly been thrown into jeopardy, with her career plans placed at great risk too. Mrs Graham’s remaining kidney would suffer continue infections. What’s more, Mrs Graham believed it was totally due to another driver’s careless actions that this had happened.

After receiving legal advice, Mrs Graham learned that the lorry driver had been negligent. As a result, she filed a claim against him and his employers. Mrs Graham received £110,000 as an out-of-court kidney compensation payout. Now, this included £98,290 in general damages and £21,710 in special damages.

Type Of General Damages Includes: How Much?
Serious Kidney Injury Costs of suffering severe damage to both kidneys, loss of function in one kidney with the potential future risk of urinary tract infections. £98,290
Type Of Special Damages Includes: How Much?
Lost Earnings Costs of being unable to work as a bank manager for 3 months £10,000
Medical Costs Costs of medical treatment & resultant painkillers £400
Nursing Costs Costs of hiring a professional carer during her recovery £1,200
Other Costs Additional costs stemming from her injuries £120

The case of Mrs Graham is purely an example. It is based on our past experiences of handling and valuing claims and serves to illustrate how accidents can happen and how they are valued.

Free Expert Estimates

Public Interest Lawyers could provide you with an estimate for your compensation claim. This uses facts and evidence rather than the guesswork that comes from an online personal injury claims calculator. After all, we know that no two victims suffer in exactly the same manner. Contributory factors differ between each victim that could dramatically change how they could cope with their kidney injury. And so this crucial information would shape the kidney compensation payout that you could viably claim for. To understand more about this subject, speak to our helpful team.

No Win No Fee Kidney Injury Claims

No Win No Fee agreements provide claimants with the reassurance that, when a solicitor is covering their case, they’re receiving value for money. Your personal injury solicitor would only be paid if your claim wins. That’s right: if for some reason your case loses, you don’t pay a penny to your personal injury solicitor. You would only pay your No Win No Fee solicitor if you receive compensation. And in that scenario, your solicitor takes a success fee, a nominal figure capped by law. In any event, you wouldn’t pay your solicitor’s legal costs up-front or while the case is ongoing. Find out more about the benefits of No Win No Fee agreements by using our 24/7 Live Chat service.

You Could Use High-Quality Personal Injury Solicitors

We are very proud of the service we offer. We are even more proud of the service that our panel of solicitors offer;

  • Many years of combined top-level experience
  • Vast industry knowledge;
  • Qualifications to match any competitors;
  • A fast turnaround and a desire to help you as much as possible;
  • Specialities for kidney injuries;
  • Many positive reviews from clients;
  • And a well-established track record of successful claim victories.

Contact us anytime to find out more about what Public Interest Lawyers can bring to your case for compensation.

Talk With Our Experts

Now, we would like to hear about your own experience. How are you managing with your kidney injury? In what circumstances did it occur? And could we help you to receive compensation? If so, contact us today by:

Note how you’re not under any obligation to proceed with a claim after speaking to us. And we’re accessible for your enquiry 24/7.

Additional Guidance

We appreciate that you have taken the time out to read this guide on kidney compensation payouts. If you still want to know more, simply use the links that we have provided for you below. They’re covering the following areas:

The Public Interest Lawyers website

Our advice on public place accident claims

Guidance about public transport claims

The NHS’ guidance on kidney injuries

A full run-down of the NHS’ various services for patients

The Highway Code

Article by AR

Publisher EC.