How To Claim Compensation For An Accident On A Public Bus

By Richie Billing. Last Updated 29th November 2023. Have you been involved in an accident on a public bus? Perhaps you were injured because the driver drove off before you had sat down, causing you to fall? Maybe you were injured when the bus crashed into another vehicle?

No matter what has happened, if the bus accident was not your fault, there will be some chance that you will be able to make a claim for compensation.

This guide will clarify many aspects relating to bus accident claims, including in what instances you could receive compensation and if the claim would involve suing a bus company.

Here at Public Interest Lawyers, our advisers can offer advice on making bus accident claims. If you have a strong case to support a claim of your own, then our advisers may even be able to connect you with our panel of solicitors to provide further support. You can contact our advisers via one of the following methods:

Before you contact us, please continue reading to learn more about bus accident claims.

Public Bus Accident Claims Guide

Public Bus Accident Claims Guide

Select A Section

  1. When Could I Make A Bus Passenger Accident Claim?
  2. Compensation Payouts For Bus Accident Claims
  3. Bus Accident Compensation – What Are Special Damages?
  4. Common Causes Of Accidents And Injuries On A Public Bus
  5. Time Limit For Bus Accident Claims
  6. Bus Accident Compensation – Do I Need Evidence To Claim?
  7. No Win No Fee Legal Help For A Bus Accident Claim
  8. References And Further Information

When Could I Make A Bus Passenger Accident Claim?

You may be eligible to claim for injuries you’ve suffered due to an accident on a bus if you can establish the following:

  • You were owed a duty of care.
  • This duty was breached.
  • Due to this breach, you were injured.

All road users owe a duty of care, from bus drivers to motorists. Per their duty of care, they must use the roads in a manner that avoids causing harm to others and themselves. Additionally, they must adhere to the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the regulations found within the Highway Code. If a road user were to breach their duty of care, this could lead to you being injured while on a bus.

For bus accident claims, which party you may claim against will depend on who breached their duty of care: another road user or the driver of the bus. If the bus driver has breached the duty of care they owe you, then you may claim against their insurance provider.

For more information on eligibility requirements for making a public transport accident claim, you can contact our advisors for free today.

Compensation Payouts For Bus Accident Claims

When trying to determine how much compensation may be received from bus accident claims, some people consider trying a personal injury claims calculator or a bus accident compensation calculator for guidance. In the table below are some compensation brackets for different injuries you may potentially claim for following a bus accident. These brackets do not offer any guarantees on how much you could receive if you make a successful bus accident claim.

The brackets in the table below are based on the Judicial College guidelines and cover payouts for general damages only. Solicitors may use these guidelines for reference while valuing bus accident claims.

You will find this information below. Please note it would not be possible for us to include every injury possible, so we have taken a snapshot. If your injury is not listed, then we may be able to give you a guideline amount should you wish to call us. Also note that the first entry in this table is an estimated figure for multiple injuries and is not based on the Judicial College guidelines.

Injury Amount
Multiple Serious Injuries Plus Special Damages Up to £500,000+
Foot Injury – Amputation £83,960 to £109,650
Hand Injury – Serious £29,000 to £61,910
Leg Injury – (iv) Moderate £27,760 to £39,200
Arm Injury – Less Severe £19,200 to £39,170
Neck Injury – Moderate (i) £24,990 to £38,490
Knee Injury – Moderate (i) £14,840 to £26,190
Skeletal Injury £14,900 to £23,950
Whiplash Tariff (18-24 months with a minor psychological injury) £4,345
Whiplash Tariff (18-24 months) £4,215

Whiplash Injuries Suffered On Public Transport

As of the 31st of May 2021, if you suffered a minor injury in a road traffic accident in England or Wales, how you claim might be different. This is due to the Whiplash Reform Programme.

Your claim will be affected if:

  • You were the driver or passenger in a road traffic accident.
  • Your injuries are valued at £5,000 or less.
  • You are age 18 or over.

When valuing whiplash, a tariff amount from the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021 will be assigned. Other minor injuries will be valued based on the compensation brackets found in the JCG. For example, if you suffer broken ribs and whiplash, your broken ribs will be valued using the JCG, and your whiplash will be assigned a tariff amount. We’ve included examples of the tariffs along with compensation brackets from the JCG in our table.

Bus Accident Compensation – What Are Special Damages?

If you’ve been injured in a bus crash, you might also be eligible for special damages. This head of your bus accident compensation allows you to claim back any financial losses you experience because of your injuries. For example, under this heading, you could potentially claim back:

  • Lost earnings
  • Medical bills
  • Prescription costs
  • Travel costs
  • Mobility aids
  • Home adjustments

However, it’s important to remember that you may need to prove evidence to support these losses in order to claim them back. Because of this, it can be a good idea to keep any bills or receipts that relate to these losses.

To learn more about special damages for bus accident claims, get in touch with our team of advisors. They can offer free legal advice and more help.

Common Causes Of Accidents And Injuries On A Public Bus

There are so many different ways that an accident on a public bus could happen. Some of the most common examples could include:

  • A pedestrian crossing the road and being hit by a bus
  • A standing passenger being thrown off balance by unexpected braking
  • A passenger that has been injured because of damaged equipment on the bus
  • Another motorist causing an obstruction, which causes the bus driver to veer off course
  • A person hit by a bus while standing at the stop
  • A passenger banging their head on the seat in front of them because the driver has hit the brakes abruptly
  • A driver accelerating while a passenger was walking to a seat
  • A passenger slipping on a liquid that has been spilt in the aisle of the bus
  • The driver closing the bus doors prior to the passenger getting off
  • The bus hitting another vehicle because the driver has lost concentration

Not only are there many ways you could be injured, but there are many injuries you could sustain too. From minor bruises to life-threatening injuries, they may differ considerably. Whiplash is one of the most common injuries in any road accident claims; not just bus claims. A lot of people may view this as a minor injury and, therefore, they may feel they have little chance of a successful injury compensation claim.

However, you need to remember that you have still suffered an injury. If you have not caused the accident then you may have the right to file a bus insurance claim for compensation.

Time Limit For Bus Accident Claims

For bus accident claims (as with other instances of personal injury), you generally have 3 years from the date of the injury in which to begin your claim. This is the time limit stated in the Limitation Act 1980.

However, sometimes this time limit can be extended. For instance, you may be unaware you were injured at all at first. If so, the date you are diagnosed or otherwise made aware of your injuries could be used as the start of your 3-year time limit. This is known as your date of knowledge.

Additionally, the claimant may be unable to claim for themselves due to their mental capacity being reduced or being below the age of 18.

However, a litigation friend can be appointed to do so on their behalf.

For children, their time limit is suspended until they reach the age of 18. For those whose mental capacity is reduced, their time limit will not begin until (or if) they are considered to have recovered sufficiently.

For more information on time limits for bus accident claims regarding a bus crash in the UK, get in touch with our advisors today. We can also answer any more general questions you have on the topic of bus passenger accident claims.

Bus Accident Compensation – Do I Need Evidence To Claim?

To make a successful claim for bus accident compensation, you will need evidence. There are a few different ways of proving that your injuries were caused by negligence.

Here are a few examples:

  • Visual evidence – This can include CCTV/dashcam footage, as well as photographs. It can be helpful to have pictures of the crashed bus, as well as your own injuries.
  • Witness contact details – Others may have seen the bus accident in which you were injured. A solicitor could help you by collecting statements from witnesses.
  • Medical records – Details pertaining to the extent and nature of your injuries will be recorded by any medical professionals treating you. You have the right to request these documents at any time.

For more information and examples regarding how you can support your claim with evidence, get in touch with our advisors today.

No Win No Fee Legal Help For A Bus Accident Claim

If you have valid grounds to make a public bus accident claim, then you could seek support from a solicitor. If you speak to our advisors about our claim, and they determine you have a strong case, they may connect you with a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel.

A solicitor from our panel could offer to support your claim under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This is a type of No Win No Fee agreement, and one benefit it provides is that you won’t have to pay any upfront or ongoing fees for your solicitor’s services. Also, you won’t need to pay your solicitor for the services they have provided if your claim is unsuccessful.

If your claim is a success, then the solicitor who supported your bus accident claim will take a legally capped percentage from the compensation awarded to you. This is known as a success fee.

For more advice on public transport accident claims and how a No Win No Fee solicitor could help with your own, you can contact our advisors for free. You can reach them by:

References And Further Information

Other Useful Compensation Guides

If you have further questions about suing a bus company, such as “how do I claim after a bus accident?”, please contact our team of advisors for free legal advice. They can tell you quickly and easily if you can claim and even provide you with a compensation estimate for your bus crash claim.