How To Make A Broken Finger At Work Claim

We all go to work with the expectation that we will be safe during our work activities. So, when something does go wrong and an accident occurs because your employer has been negligent, you will no doubt be seeking compensation for your injuries. This guide looks at making a broken finger at work claim specifically. 

You will find information on the duty of care owed by employers to their workers, and some examples of accidents that could occur if this duty is not met. We have also provided an explanation of how personal injury compensation is calculated, with a table of guideline payouts for your reference.

At the bottom of this guide you will see a short section on how our experienced panel of personal injury solicitors could help you claim. We also explain the specific type of No Win No Fee agreement they can offer legal services under. 

Our highly experienced advisory team are on hand around the clock to provide expert advice on how to claim and assess your eligibility to seek compensation in your particular circumstances. Talk to an advisor today via:

A man in a plaid shirt sitting on a bench showing his broken finger injury.

Select A Section

  1. Can I Make A Broken Finger At Work Claim?
  2. How To Prove A Broken Finger At Work Claim
  3. Examples Of Accidents Causing Broken Fingers At Work
  4. What Finger Injury Compensation Could I Receive?
  5. How Can We Help You Claim For A Broken Finger?
  6. Read More About Claiming Compensation For A Broken Finger At Work

Can I Make A Broken Finger At Work Claim?

A broken finger at work claim could be made in circumstances where an employer has failed to uphold their duty of care. Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, all employers are required to take reasonable steps to ensure worker safety.

How this duty is met will change depending on the work being undertaken. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the British regulator for workplace health and safety, provide guidance on a range of topics to help employers maintain safety standards.

If there is a failure to meet safety standards and uphold their duty of care, it could result in an injury. The eligibility criteria to pursue personal injury compensation can therefore be summarised as follows:

  1. Your employer owed you a duty of care.
  2. They breached this duty through their failure to take reasonable steps to ensure your safety.
  3. As a result of this failure, you were injured in an accident.

What Is The Time Limit For Accident At Work Claims?

In most personal injury cases, there is 3 year time limit to begin a claim, as per the Limitation Act 1980. But there can be exceptions to this. So, for example, in a child accident claim, the 3 years is not counted until they turn 18.

An exception is also made for those of reduced mental capacity. In these cases, the time limit is paused altogether. A litigation friend could be appointed by the court to pursue claim on behalf of the injured person if they are unable to claim for themselves. This is the case when the time limit is paused for those under the age of 18 as well.

Contact our advisors today to learn more about the relevant time limit in your particular case or for a free assessment of your eligibility to claim.

How To Prove A Broken Finger At Work Claim

This section looks at evidence that could be useful in proving your case and establishing liability. Your supporting evidence is a key part of your personal injury claim. You will need to show that your injuries were caused by your employer’s failures, but you are also showing the extent of your injuries, to aid compensation calculations.

Types of evidence you could use include:

  • If you have broken a bone or suspect you may have broken a bone, get professional medical help. While your health is the top priority, medical records like X-rays or the results of blood tests are useful evidence. 
  • CCTV footage can show how the accident took place if it is available.
  • You can also take photographs of your injuries and the scene of the accident. 
  • An employer with 10 or more staff is required by law to keep a workplace accident book. You can take a copy of your incident report to substantiate your case. 
  • Training documents or maintenance records could be used to show whether these key tasks were carried out improperly or not at all.
  • Your colleagues could provide witness statements if they saw the accident. Be sure to collect the contact information of any potential witness.

Working with a solicitor could be very beneficial when gathering evidence for your claim. An experienced legal representative could help you to gather a strong body of evidence, and make sure your claim is brought within the appropriate time limit. To find out if you’re eligible to to begin a broken finger at work claim, get in touch with our advisors using the contact information given above. 

An X-ray of a broken finger, such medical evidence can be very useful for your claim.

Examples Of Accidents Causing Broken Fingers At Work

In this section, we have provided some examples of accidents where broken fingers could be sustained.

  • A failure to carry out maintenance checks meant a faulty door went unrepaired. Your finger was slammed in the door when the latch mechanism failed.
  • A lack of training meant you attempted to lift a heavy object with improper technique. Your finger was crushed when you dropped the object.
  • There was a leaking water pipe at the top of the stairs in the storage area of the warehouse. No wet floor sign had been posted, nor had any steps been taken to repair the like. You broke multiple fingers on your left hand, as well as sustained other injuries to your back and legs when you slipped on the water and fell down the stairs.
  • Poor housekeeping means equipment was left out unattended. As a result, you suffered serious injuries to your middle fingers when a toolbox fell from the scaffold above you and crushed your hand.

There are, of course, many other circumstances where an accident can occur in the workplace. To find out if you could begin a broken finger at work claim after your particular accident, speak to our advisory team using the contact information given below. 

What Finger Injury Compensation Could I Receive?

There are two heads of loss that personal injury compensation may be awarded under:

  • General damages: Compensating for the physical and psychiatric harm and suffering caused by the injuries.
  • Special damages: Compensating for the financial losses caused by the injuries.

Compensation calculation for your injuries is something a solicitor could assist you with if you are eligible to claim and choose to instruct legal representation. Such calculations can be made with your provided medical evidence, and by making reference to the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG)

We have used the JCG figures in the table below. The JCG is published by the Judicial College and details guideline compensation figures for an array of injuries. We should point out that the top figure was not taken from this publication.

Compensation Table

Please be advised that this table has been provided for guidance only

Injury TypeSeverityCompensation Guideline
Multiple Very Serious Injuries with Significant Special DamagesVery SeriousUp to £250,000+
Hand InjuriesLoss of Thumb (r)£43,350 to £66,920
Severe Finger Fractures (f)Up to £44,840
Very Serious Thumb Injury (s)£23,920 to £42,720
Less Serious Hand Injury (g)£17,640 to £35,390
Total or Partial Loss of Index Finger (i)£14,850 to £22,870
Serious Thumb Injury (t)£15,370 to £20,460
Serious Injury to Middle or Ring Fingers (k)£12,590 to £19,940
Moderate Thumb Injury (u)£11,800 to £15,370
Fracture of Index Finger (j)£11,120 to £14,930

Special Damages In An Accident At Work Claim

Compensation for any monetary losses that result from your injuries could be awarded under special damages. A hand injury, particularly of your dominant hand or thumb injuries, could seriously inhibit your ability to undertake your usual activities. This could mean you are unable to work or drive.

Compensation under this head of loss is typically greater than that under general damages. We have given some possible costs here:

  • Loss of earnings
  • Medical costs such as medication or counselling sessions.
  • Transport costs to and from your place of work.
  • Care and support in the home.

We have included this information as a rough guide only. Since personal injury claims are all assessed on an individual basis, we cannot make any guarantees about your particular claim here.

To find out more about how personal injury compensation is calculated, or for a free assessment of your eligibility to begin a claim, get in touch today.  

A patient receiving a plaster cast after a sustaining serious injuries to several fingers.

How Can We Help You Claim For A Broken Finger?

A No Win No Fee solicitor from our expert panel could take on your case under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) if our advisory team deem your potential claim valid.

The benefits of instructing a legal representative under a CFA include:

  • No initial fees for the solicitor to begin work on the claim in most cases.
  • No fees during the actual claim for this work.
  • No fee to pay if the solicitor loses the claim.

Personal injury compensation will be awarded if your broken finger at work claim is successful. A percentage of this payout will go to the solicitor as their success fee. However, you will still be keeping most of this compensation because The Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013 caps the percentage that success fees can be.

Our highly experienced advisory team are on hand around the clock to provide expert advice and assess your eligibility to claim. Talk to an advisor today via:

A client talking to his solicitor about his broken finger at work claim.

Read More About Claiming Compensation For A Broken Finger At Work

You can read some of our other accident at work claims guides here

We have also included some external resources for additional information

Thank you for reading this guide to making a broken finger at work claim. For more information or a free assessment of your eligibility, call our advisors today.