Conservative Party Data Protection Breach – Could You Claim Compensation?

If a Conservative Party data protection breach were to occur involving your personal data, you might wonder what steps to take next. In this article, we will explain what a data protection breach is and how this could lead to a personal data breach claim.

The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) provide organisations with a framework for safeguarding personal data. 

We will explain how this legislation protects your data and discuss the criteria for claiming, which are outlined by the UK GDPR.

Furthermore, this article will explain how the process of claiming works by illustrating guideline compensation amounts and discussing the kinds of damage you may be able to claim for.

Our team of advisors offer free legal advice and can help you identify whether you have a valid claim. To learn more, get in touch by:

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What Could A Conservative Party Data Protection Breach Be?

A personal data breach is defined by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a security breach that impacts the availability, integrity and confidentiality of personal data. 

Personal data has a specific definition; it does not just mean any data that relates to you. In order for data to be considered personal data, it must be able to be used to identify you.

Your data could be processed by a data controller, which is an entity that decides how and when your personal data is processed. However, in some cases, the processing of your data may be passed on to a data processor, who carries this out on their behalf.

Data controllers and processors alike must adhere to the UK GDPR and DPA when processing personal data. Not all breaches of data protection law are examples of personal data breaches that could form the basis of a claim, however. You might be able to claim if you can show that:

  • A data controller or processor failed to adhere to the relevant legislation
  • As a result, your personal data was exposed in a breach
  • This breach of your personal data caused financial and/or emotional harm.

Not all breaches of data protection law are examples of personal data breaches that could form the basis of a claim.

If you can prove that you have suffered harm as a result of a Conservative Party data protection breach, contact our advisors to learn what steps you could take next.

If A Conservative Party Data Protection Breach Were To Occur, What Data Could Be Involved?

There are a number of different kinds of personal data that could be held by a political party. For example, if you’re a member of that political party, they may hold your:

  • Name
  • Contact information, such as your email address, telephone number and postal address
  • Bank details, for example, if you pay for your membership via direct debit

Furthermore, a political party might hold information about your political opinions. For example, if you wrote a letter to your local Member of Parliament, then this could reveal information about your stance on certain issues. If this was exposed in a breach, then you may feel anxious and fear retaliation from those with differing beliefs.

Personal data that reveals political or philosophical beliefs is classed as special category data. This means that it requires more protection than other forms of personal data. If it were to be exposed in a breach, then this could cause you harm.

Do you have the evidence needed to prove that you have suffered harm due to a Conservative Party data protection breach? Get in touch for free legal advice on making a data breach claim.

How Long Do You Have To Claim? 

There are certain time limits in place to start a claim for the harm caused by a data breach. Generally, you have six years in which to start a personal data breach claim. This limit falls to one year if you are starting a claim against a public body.

If you’re not sure if you are within the limitation period to start a claim for compensation following a data breach, our advisors can provide clarification.  Get in touch today to learn more.

How Do I Claim For A UK GDPR Data Breach?

If a personal data breach occurs that could compromise your rights or freedoms, the organisation responsible should tell you without undue delay. Following this, you can speak with the organisation to confirm how it happened and what personal data was involved.

If you’re unsatisfied with the way that the organisation has dealt with your concerns, you can make a complaint to the ICO. However, this must be within three months of your last meaningful contact with the organisation.

The ICO does not handle claims or provide compensation, but they can investigate the breach and may fine the organisation responsible. Furthermore, they might investigate the issue and any reports that this generates could be used to support your claim.

To learn more about the steps you could take should a Conservative Party data protection breach occur that affects your personal data, contact our team.

How Much Could You Claim For A Data Protection Breach?

Two different forms of damage could result from a data breach. The first form of damage, sometimes known as non-material damage, refers to any psychological harm caused to you as a result of the breach. For example, this can result in anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Below, you can find a compensation table that uses figures taken from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG), a publication that can be used by solicitors and other legal professionals when valuing settlements. This is because it provides a list of guideline compensation amounts for various injuries and illnesses.

Injury Compensation Range Notes
Severe Psychiatric Damage Generally £54,830 to £115,730 The capacity to work and maintain relationships, as well as the general quality of life, are all negatively impacted. The prognosis is poor.
Moderately Psychiatric Damage Generally £19,070 to £54,830 Though the symptoms are similar to the case above, the prognosis is better.
Moderate Psychiatric Damage Generally £5,860 to £19,070 The prognosis here is good due to symptoms that improve by the time of trial.
Less Severe Psychiatric Damage Generally £1,540 to £5,860 For this bracket, the award depends on how the symptoms have affected the claimant and their daily activities.
Severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder £59,860 to £100,670 Symptoms affect every area of life, causing the inability to work or function at the pre-trauma level.
Moderately Severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder £23,150 to £59,860 The prognosis here is good, due to some chance of recovery with professional treatment.
Moderate Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder £8,180 to £23,150 A large recovery can be achieved, which results in only non-disabling effects remaining.
Less Severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder £3,950 to £8,180 Only minor symptoms remain following a virtually full recovery, within 1-2 years.

You might also be eligible to claim compensation for material damage, which is the financial impact of the breach. For instance, you can experience a loss of earnings if you take time off work to address any mental health problems that it causes you. Alternatively, a breach of your credit card details could lead to money being stolen from your bank account or an impact on your credit score. 

Contact our advisors to find out more about data breach compensation. They can also provide guidance on the steps you could take if a Conservative Party data protection breach were to happen that affects your personal data.

Talk To Us About No Win No Fee Claims

Our panel of expert No Win No Fee solicitors could provide you with legal representation under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). Usually, there are no fees or costs to pay to your data protection solicitor at the start of your claim or as your claim is ongoing when you use this kind of agreement.

In the case of a successful claim, your solicitor will take a success fee. This is taken directly from your compensation as a legally capped percentage. However, if your claim fails, then you do not pay this fee, nor do you generally pay your lawyer for the work that they have done on your case.

You can check your eligibility to work with our panel of solicitors at any time by getting in touch. Contact our advisors today by:

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For more information on the steps you could take should a Conservative Party data protection breach occur that affects your personal data, contact our advisors today.