£300,000 Payout For A Fractured Skull Injury Claim – Case Study & Guide To Calculating Prolapsed Fractured Skull

You could seek legal guidance about filing a fractured skull injury claim if you’ve unfortunately suffered such an injury. This would especially be true if it occurs via an accident caused by a third party. But there are some crucial details that you should know before taking legal action.

That’s what this guide is for. We provide an example case study covering a £300,000 compensation payout for a fractured skull compensation. And after reading it, we hope you’ll know what to expect from working with our panel of personal injury lawyers. Learn more by calling 0800 408 7825, using our Live Chat or completing our online form.

Fractured Skull Injury Claim

Fractured skull compensation

Get in touch with us today to begin your fractured skull injury claim. The sooner you start, the closer you become to gaining the financial dues you could be owed.

Choose A Section

  1. A Guide To Calculating A Fractured Skull Injury Claim
  2. What Is A Fractured Skull?
  3. What Is Financial Loss?
  4. Common Skull Fracture Injuries
  5. Specialist Compensation Settlement Estimates
  6. Care Claims For Victims
  7. Case Study: £300,000 Payout For A Fractured Skull Injury Claim
  8. Receive A Specialist Estimate For You Fractured Skull Injury Claim
  9. Your No Win No Fee Promise
  10. Use Expert Personal Injury Solicitors For Your Fractured Skull Injury Claim
  11. Explain Your Case On A Fractured Skull Injury Claim
  12. Additional Reads For A Fractured Skull Injury Claim

A Guide To Calculating A Fractured Skull Injury Claim

This guide handles personal injury claims calculators, care claims and No Win No Fee agreements, with the aim of helping you understand fractured skulls claims in more detail.

We also explain other legal guidelines which you may not be aware of. One of those is the personal injury claims time limit. This means that:

  • You have three years to claim from when you first suffer or first learn of suffering a skull fracture;
  • A third party or another appointed representative could handle the claim for a child or a victim lacking mental capacity;
  • But once the child turns 18 or the victim regains mental capacity, their 3-year window then begins.

Contact our helpful team for more information on any topics relating to fractured skull injury claims.

What Is A Fractured Skull?

A fractured skull is very severe and could be a life-changing injury for any victim. It occurs when there is a break in the bone surrounding the brain. It is important to note this does not necessarily indicate brain damage. Other symptoms would include significant head pain and bruises and fluid leaking from the nose or ears where there’s no visible brain damage.

Depending on the severity of the fracture, initial treatment would focus on ensuring that the airway remains clear and with breathing checks carried out via CPR. From there, it would be about stabilising the neck to protect the spinal cord. At that point, surgery would be the typical course of action to prevent any further damage. 

The impact of the treatment could influence the potential payout for any fractured skull injury claim. Use our 24/7 Live Chat to find out more.

What Is Financial Loss?

The financial loss represents the detrimental impact upon a victim’s monetary stability. In this scenario, the medical bills to cater for the skull fracture treatment alone may prove problematic. Then, factor in how much it could cost to hire a professional nurse to provide home assistance for the recuperation period. 

And then think about how much money may be lost from being unable to work until the recovery is complete. That’s assuming they’re able to return to work at all. These are the potential financial losses, though they could provide the basis for a fractured skull injury claim.

To get further details, call us using the number above today.

Common Skull Fracture Injuries

If you are claiming negligence, you must prove that:

  • You were in a situation where a third party owed you a duty of care;
  • There was a breach in this duty of care;
  • And this led to you suffering an injury such as a skull fracture.

Three areas could pave the way for a skull fracture injury claim. One of these is Public Liability (PL), where a land occupier’s duty of care contained under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. This relates to the prevention of accidents in public places and an obligation to uphold a visitor’s health and safety as much as possible.

Yet there are many locations where someone could be injured in a public place. They include restaurants, beaches, pubs, bars, nightclubs and libraries. A potential accident in a public place causing a fractured skull could be the result of a fall in a restaurant where the victim cracks their head on a table.

Next is employers’ liability (EL), with an employer’s duty of care contained under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. An accident at work could involve a fall off a ladder, resulting in a skull fracture upon landing. And a workplace accident paves the way for a potential work injury payment if a claim is successful. The case could be a multiple injury claim if the victim happens to suffer multiple injuries beyond a fractured skull.

And we also have the example of a road traffic accident (RTA). The Highway Code outlines a duty of care pertaining to drivers and vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists. Despite these rules, crashes and collisions continue to occur with alarming regularity around the country. An example here could be a cyclist fracturing their skull upon landing on the ground after a car collision.

Use our contact form to ask any questions about skull fracture injury scenarios.

Specialist Compensation Settlement Estimates

Although you would recognise that you’ve suffered a fractured skull, the injury still requires a full diagnosis. This would come from a doctor via an independent medical evaluation as part of the claim. And this is crucial towards the potential success of your fractured skull injury claim. 

That’s because a complete medical evaluation provides concrete evidence of your injury, as well as its actual severity. It could also establish a clear connection between the accident and your present-day condition. And it could outline both your presumed recovery period and the direct impact of the injury on your life.

This then allows you to receive a specialist compensation settlement estimate in the potential form of general damages. General damages cover your physical and emotional pain and suffering. Special damages, though, relate to medical costs, loss of income and other financial losses, such as what we’re about to discuss next—additional care. Speak to us for a full breakdown of both general damages and special damages.

Care Claims For Victims

Care claims would be particularly significant for a skull fracture. That’s due to the amount of assistance that a victim could require to deal with their recovery. This may arise from hiring a nurse to look after them regularly. Or it could involve hiring professionals to manage typical chores. And it could comprise from the care of family and friends, which becomes more important if the victim does suffer brain damage. 

Any of these would count towards the care that could be included for a fractured skull injury claim. Use the Live Chat in the bottom corner of this page to ask about care claims.

Case Study: £300,000 Payout For A Fractured Skull Injury Claim

Mr Wright, 57, was working on a building site. He had been an employee of the firm for many years, so he knew the job and its potential risks. But even that couldn’t prepare him for what happened on one occasion.

During this particular afternoon, Mr Wright was standing on the ground, assisting a colleague. Unbeknownst to him, however, the scaffolding tower set up around the building under construction hadn’t been secured properly. And as this was a particularly windy day, it wouldn’t take a great deal of force to cause the tower to wobble. So much so that one particular pole that was on a second-storey level came loose.

As a result, the pole fell towards the ground. However, in the process, the pole caught Mr Wright hard on the top of his head. This caused him to crumble to the floor himself, knocking him unconscious. Mr Wright’s colleagues were deeply concerned and tried desperately to revive him. He came to, but he was still in tremendous pain and seemingly unaware of his surroundings.

An ambulance was called to the scene, and Mr Wright was taken to his local hospital. Upon medical examination, he was diagnosed with a fractured skull, brain damage, and a severe concussion. Mr Wright underwent emergency brain surgery, which proved to be a success. From there, he was advised to recover at home with the help of a carer.

Mr Wright’s full recuperation period was determined to be at least one year. That being said, he was also told that his days as a builder could be put on hold for several years due to the impact of his injuries and his specific work requirements, if not permanently due to his age. During this time, his family recognised physical and behavioural changes, which would prevent him from ever working again. This included intellectual difficulties, slurred speech and vision problems.

Due to the accident’s avoidable nature, Mr Wright’s family were heartbroken by the turn of events. In one moment, a father and husband’s life had changed forever through no fault of his own. His employees’ and employers negligence had caused him to suffer harm from which he would never recover. He would never experience life in the same manner ever again.

After seeking legal advice, Mr Wright learned that his employer may have breached their duty of care they owed to him under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Therefore, acting as a litigation friend on her husband’s behalf, Mrs Wright filed a fractured skull injury claim against his employers. Mr Wright received £300,000 as an out-of-court compensation payout settlement. This included £228,050 in general damages and £71,950 in special damages.


Type Of Special Damages Includes: How Much?
Fractured Skull Costs of suffering a fractured skull £22,470
Moderately Severe Brain Damage Costs of suffering moderate brain damage causing significant physical & psychological behavioural changes £205,580



Type Of Special Damages Includes: How Much?
Lost Earnings Costs of lost earnings for the projected long-term recovery period beyond merely the year of rehabilitation £63,000
Medical Costs Cost of medical treatment during his hospital stay £2,500
Nursing Costs Costs of round-the-clock nursing care on a weekly basis for 1 year £5,200
Other Costs Additional expenses caused by his injuries £1,250


The example case of Mr Wright is based upon our past experiences of handling and valuing claims and aims to show the types of accidents that can occur and how they are valued.

Receive A Specialist Estimate For Your Fractured Skull Injury Claim

As a courtesy to all of our customers, we offer a specialist estimate for free. Indeed, there is no charge for this particular service, even if you decide not to pursue your fractured skull injury claim. And we do this without using an online personal injury claims calculator.

Instead, we focus on your needs, your circumstances and the specifics of your injury. That way, your specialist estimate is the most accurate figure possible. Learn more about your compensation estimate by calling our knowledgeable team anytime.

 Our No Win No Fee Promise

We promise that you will have fewer costs and less stress thanks to our No Win No Fee agreement. This means that you don’t pay any legal costs to your personal injury solicitor before or during the case. And if your case fails, then you wouldn’t pay anything at all. If you are successful in attaining compensation your solicitor takes a nominal figure called a success fee. But this is capped by law, so don’t expect your compensation payout to be heavily impacted.

Want to know more about using a No Win No Fee personal injury lawyer from our panel for your fractured skull injury claim? Get in touch with our expert team today.

Use Expert Personal Injury Solicitors For Your Fractured Skull Injury Claim

If you’re going to win your claim, you must use the best legal representation possible. That’s where Public Interest Lawyers come in. The personal injury lawyers on our panel are real experts at their craft.

They bring many combined years of experience and have brought plenty of fractured skull injury claim victories in the past. They also have credentials that are of the highest industry standard. And we have lots of positive client reviews to back up our work. So, to use our team to handle your claim, please get in touch.

Explain Your Case On A Fractured Skull Injury Claim

At this stage, we would like to know about your skull fracture injury and how we could potentially help. If you’re injured due to a third party, this guide demonstrates that you have a right to claim. And we would do everything possible to ensure you’re fairly compensated. To work with Public Interest Lawyers, you can contact us by:

  • Telephoning 0800 408 7825;
  • Completing our online form;
  • Or use the Live Chat feature for an instant conversation with an advisor.

Additional Reads For A Fractured Skull Injury Claim

We hope you have learned a lot from this guide on skull fracture injury claims. But the six links below should also offer further information to you.

The Public Interest Lawyers website explains all of the services that we provide.

We discuss public accident claims in great depth.

And we break down the consequences of cycling accidents.

Meanwhile, the NHS goes into detail about severe head injuries.

And they explain how to treat potential skull fracture injuries.

Click here to read the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957.



Guide by AR

Edited by LA/NI