How Much Compensation For A Fall At Work Caused By Obstructed Walkways?

By Danielle Newton. Last Updated 8th May 2023. In this guide, we will look at how obstructed walkways could cause a fall at work that could result in injuries. We also explore your legal rights to claim compensation if the accident and injuries were caused by negligence.

We will provide important information that could help if you’re considering starting a claim, such as the time limits that may apply to your circumstances. This guide will also explain the compensation that could be awarded, including how these payouts are calculated.

We will discuss how our panel of injury at work solicitors could help you navigate the claims process. One of the lawyers on our panel could offer to represent you with a No Win No Fee agreement in place. We explain what this means further in this guide.

Read on for more information about the potential risk of a blocked walkway. To learn more about your options, contact our advisers. Our team are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have about the merits of your potential claim or the best way to begin seeking compensation. Speak to us today:

Obstructed Walkways

Obstructed Walkways Claim Guide

Select A Section

  1. What Are Legal Your Rights If You Fall At Work?
  2. Examples Of Accidents Caused By Obstructed Walkways In The Workplace
  3. What Injuries Could You Suffer After A Fall At Work?
  4. How Long Do I Have To Claim For A Fall At Work?
  5. What To Do If You Fall At Work
  6. Compensation Payouts For Accidents At Work Caused By Obstructed Walkways
  7. Make A Claim With The Help Of Public Interest Lawyers

What Are Your Legal Rights If You Fall At Work?

The Health and Safety at Work Act etc. 1974 is a key piece of health and safety legislation which outlines that employers owe a duty of care to their employees.  It states that they need to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of those that they employ. This is supplemented by The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, which specifies that employers must carry out risk assessment checks and take reasonable steps to prevent injury.

You may be able to claim compensation if the following criteria are true of the scenario in which you were injured due to obstructed walkways:

  1. An employer owed you a duty of care
  2. This duty of care was breached
  3. Due to this breach, you sustained an injury

If you’re unsure whether these criteria are true of your accident, you can contact our advisers. They will listen to the circumstances you describe and offer insight into whether a breach of duty of care caused your injuries. If your case is valid, they could pass you on to a lawyer to represent you in your workplace injury claim.

Examples Of Accidents Caused By Obstructed Walkways In The Workplace

Accidents in the workplace could occur if walkways are not kept clear of hazards. You may be able to claim compensation if you can show that your employer breached the duty of care they owe you, which caused an accident in which you were injured.

Obstructed walkways could cause an accident at work if:

  • Your work accepts a delivery, but the boxes are left in the corridor instead of the designated area for incoming parcels. This causes members of staff to fall over as they exit the building in a fire drill.
  • Due to a lack of nearby plug sockets, a co-worker stretches an extension cord across the aisle between two workstations. This causes a member of staff to fall and fracture their nose.
  • An office is rearranging its workspace and, while doing so, leaves several pieces of office equipment outside in the corridor. This could lead to a trip injury if the furniture is left near blind corners or stairwells.

We hope this section has helped answer the question, ‘what is an obstruction in the workplace?’ Next, we will discuss the kinds of injuries you could sustain in an accident caused by negligence. If you have questions at any point, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

What Injuries Could You Suffer After A Fall At Work?

An accident involving obstructed walkways could cause different injuries depending on factors such as where and how you fall. These injuries could be severe or relatively minor, depending on the circumstances. For instance, this kind of accident could cause:

  • An ankle injury, such as a break or sprain
  • A shoulder injury, such as a dislocated shoulder
  • A hip injury, such as a fracture
  • A head injury, particularly if there are other objects nearby that someone hits their head on as they fall

Additionally, workplace slips, trips and falls could aggravate pre-existing conditions. For example, tripping over objects in obstructed walkways could worsen the symptoms of old back injuries.

If you were injured in a workplace accident caused by negligence, you may be able to claim compensation for the suffering you experienced. Speak to our advisers if you want to know more about beginning a claim.

How Long Do I Have To Claim For A Fall At Work?

You must begin a claim before the relevant time limit expires, as established in the Limitation Act 1980. For a personal injury claim related to obstructed walkways that caused a slip and fall at work, you must claim within:

  • 3 years of the date of the accident
  • 3 years of the date you became aware that negligence caused the accident

Additionally, it will benefit your claim if you gather evidence about the accident. For instance, ensure you report the incident so it is recorded in the workplace accident book. This can provide information about the date and time of the accident, how and where it occurred, and what steps were taken afterwards.

Speak to our advisers to ask if you’re likely to be able to claim compensation for your accident at work. They can provide information about what happens when you make a claim during a free consultation.

What To Do If You Fall At Work

In addition to starting proceedings within the relevant time limit, you must have sufficient evidence to support your fall at work claim. It must show that when your employer failed to uphold their duty of care, you suffered injuries. This is known as employer negligence.

Examples of evidence that could help support a claim for workplace injuries include:

  • The accident log book. This should be filled in with your name, the date and time as well as details of the incident.
  • Photographs of the obstructed walkway.
  • If you made a complaint to your employer about the cluttered walkway and have a record of this, you could submit it as evidence.
  • Footage of your trip and fall, such as from CCTV.
  • Witness contact information. If anyone saw the accident that caused your injuries, you could note their contact details so they can give a statement later into the claiming process.
  • A copy of your medical records, which state the type of injury you sustained and the treatment you required.

Our advisors can provide further information on what to do if you fall at work. If you need any help gathering evidence or have any questions about the work accident claims process, get in touch using the details at the top of the page.

Compensation Payouts For Accidents At Work Caused By Obstructed Walkways

If you’re wondering what your obstructed walkways compensation claim is worth, we should mention that you could be compensated for two different aspects of the suffering you experienced. These are reflected in the two heads of claim that could be included in your payout.

General damages are intended to help compensate you for the pain and suffering caused by your injury. When assessing this head of claim, a personal injury solicitor will usually consult a document called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG), which outlines compensation brackets as they relate to certain injuries.

The following table contains some of these compensation brackets. We have included injuries that could result from an accident involving obstructed walkways. However, these figures are intended only as guidelines. This is because your specific circumstances could determine how much compensation you receive.

Type of Injury JCG Bracket Information
Moderate Brain Damage (i) £150,110 to £219,070
Less Severe Brain Damage £15,320 to £43,060
Severe Neck Injuries (ii) £65,740 to £130,930
Moderate Neck Injuries (i) £24,990 to £38,490
Severe Knee Injuries (i) £69,730 to £96,210
Severe Back Injuries (ii) £74,160 to £88,430
Moderate Back Injuries (ii) £12,510 to £27,760
Severe Ankle Injuries £31,310 to £50,060
Serious Shoulder Injuries £12,770 to £19,200
Fracture of Clavicle £5,150 to £12,240

Additionally, your claim could include special damages. This head of a claim is intended to help reimburse you for the financial suffering resulting from the accident. This could include:

  • Lost wages, past as well as future, if you cannot return to work
  • Prescription medications
  • Alternative travel expenses, such as if the injury prevents you from driving to work

Speak to our advisers about making an injury at work claim. They can offer a more personalised estimate of the compensation your claim could receive, based on the information you give them.

Make A Claim With The Help Of Public Interest Lawyers

Contact our advisers to learn more about your eligibility. If they feel your claim is valid, they may put you in touch with one of the No Win No Fee solicitors on our panel. These professionals may be able to offer their services under a type of No Win No Fee agreement known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which means you wouldn’t have to pay for their services if your claim fails.

Instead, your solicitor would take a success fee at the end of the claiming process if your claim succeeds. This amount is subject to a legal cap, meaning you would always receive the majority of your compensation.

No Win No Fee is a type of agreement that our panel of solicitors may be able to offer if you wish to pursue a claim with Public Interest Lawyers. If you’d like to know more about this or any other topic we’ve discussed in this guide, contact us today:

Read More About Workplace Accidents

Related information in guides we’ve written guides:

What Percentage Do Solicitors Take For No Win No Fee?

Personal Injury Claims

Examples Of Slip And Fall At Work Settlements

Further resources from third-party organisations:

Statutory Sick Pay – UK government information about claiming Statutory Sick Pay following an accident

Reportable Incidents – Guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the independent regulator for health and safety in the workplace, about which workplace incidents employers must report to them

If you’ve suffered an injury after a slip and fall on mud at work, you may find this guide useful. It explains the claims process and offers examples of different types of injuries and causes.

First Aid – NHS resource about the first aid steps that should be taken before emergency services arrive

We hope this guide has provided useful information about accidents caused by obstructed walkways and when you could claim compensation for your injuries. To learn more, contact our advisers using the details provided.