£16,500 Compensation Payout For An Accident At Work Head Injury – Case Study & Claims Guide to Calculating An Accident At Work Head Injury Compensation

Have you suffered a head injury while at work? Did the accident occur through no fault of your own? And have you considered the possibility of taking legal action against those responsible? This guide will cover head injury compensation payouts, plus we explain many key factors within the claims process.

Along the way, we’re going to cover head injury compensation payouts as part of an example case study. This may be useful as you consider whether or not to file a claim following your head injury.

Accident at work head injury compensation

Accident at work head injury compensation

Before we go any further, we should remind you that you can contact Public Interest Lawyers at any time. And we’re able to put you in touch with our panel of personal injury solicitors, who may handle your compensation case. Simply telephone our advisors on 0800 408 7825, message us using our contact form, or use the Live Chat in the bottom corner.

Choose A Section

  1. A Guide To Calculate Compensation For An Accident At Work Head Injury
  2. What Is A Head Injury?
  3. Financial Issues From Head Injuries
  4. Accidents At Work Cases
  5. Solicitors Provide Compensation Settlement Values
  6. Care Claims For Extra Compensation
  7. Case Study: £16,500 Compensation For An Accident At Work Head Injury Claim
  8. Head Injury Compensation Calculation Estimates
  9. No Win No Fee
  10. Find Suitable Personal Injury Lawyers For Head Injury Compensation Payouts
  11. We Can Help 
  12. Further Advice On Head Injury Compensation Payouts

A Guide To Calculate Compensation For An Accident At Work Head Injury

It’s essential to be mindful of the important steps that would influence what head injury compensation amount you may need. These include understanding No Win No Fee agreements, care claims and how general and special damages (two Heads of Loss) would form. 

We also describe the downside to compensation calculators while emphasising what makes a solicitor most suitable to handle your case. If you come away from reading this knowing exactly what you need to do next, then we’ve done our job!

Personal Injury Claims Time Limit

A personal injury claims time limit means that you would need to make a claim within three years. That dates from either the day you suffered your head injury or from date of knowledge. This ensures you don’t miss out on making a viable claim for a head injury compensation amount. Speak with our specialist team for exceptions to this rule.

What Is A Head Injury?

The term ”head injury” is very broad but could mean any injury you suffer to the head, skull and brain. An injury to the head can often come about following a strike to the head, whether that be from a slip, trip or fall or an object impacting on their head. 

Potential head injury symptoms include headaches, vomiting, seizures, blood or fluid leaking from the nose, numbness, sleeping issues, and memory loss. If the injury affects the brain the claimant can suffer brain damage. Brain damage can range from mild to very severe causing complete life-changing consequences. Claimants may no longer be able to follow basic commands, speak and be double incontinent. 

For a minor head injury, symptoms may clear after several weeks. But in more severe cases where hospital treatment is needed, it could months or more to recover. And for the most serious head injuries, the recovery window might be far longer and could leave lasting permanent damage. 

Most head injuries may be mild to moderate. Still, all head injuries caused by a third party could instigate compensation claims—hence the opportunity to claim for a head injury compensation amount if you suffer such a setback. Call us up today to chat about head injuries in greater depth.

Financial Issues From Head Injuries

As for the potential financial fallout of suffering a head injury? Well, consider how much pain and suffering you may be enduring due to your injury. This could seriously hinder your ability to work, especially if you have a manual job requiring significant concentration and safety awareness. 

Therefore, the loss of earnings and lack of sick pay would be an apparent financial setback while you recover. And with care costs rising simultaneously, you could find yourself scrambling for money until you’re 100% again. Thankfully, though, this would all be taken into account when the time comes to calculate your potential head injury compensation amount. Call us today for further guidance.

Accidents At Work Cases

For a head injury compensation claim to be awarded, you first must prove the negligence of someone else as a significant contributory factor. This means you producing clear evidence that, initially, the third party in question owed you some sort of a duty of care. But, as per your proof, there was a breach in this duty, leading to an incident. And the outcome would have been you suffering an injury, such as damage to the head.

There are three main areas where a duty of care is applied;

Public Liability

The first would be public liability, which relates to accidents in public places. By that, we mean the duty of care to prevent them via the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. A potential situation could be slipping on a restaurant’s wet surface and banging your head on a nearby table due to the lack of signage.  

Employers Liability

Another concerns employer’s liability. The duty of care applicable via the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974  is to ensure that correct training levels, information, and maintenance are carried out and provided by employers to guarantee everyone’s safety at work as much as reasonably possible. This is to prevent workplace accidents which place employees in harm’s way. One possible situation could be a staff member cracking their head on a shelf while in a dark storage room due to insufficient lights. 

The Highway Code

Last but certainly not least, we have got road traffic accidents or RTAs. The Highway Code‘s duty of care applies to drivers and such vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists. Nevertheless, a head injury could be one of the multiple injuries suffered in a crash. And a collision of this nature could allow for the victim to file multiple injury claims in the aftermath. 

Head to the other sections of our website to read up on various head injury accident scenarios.

Solicitors Provide Compensation Settlement Values

Your head injury compensation payout calculation could come in two forms:

  • General damages: The pain and suffering from the injury itself along with subsequent physical and psychological consequences. Also, the direct impact of the injury on your daily life.
  • Special damages: Loss of earnings due to time off work without sick pay along with medical expenses, public transport costs and additional assistance.

But before you work out your general and special damages, you would first have a health assessment. This allows a doctor to analyse every aspect of your head injury, noting the severity and a potential recovery window. In particular, this evaluation could prove beyond doubt that the accident caused your injury and that, only for the accident, you wouldn’t have been hurt.

To find out more information, please get in touch with our knowledgeable team.

Care Claims For Extra Compensation

A care claim is a further extension of special damages pertaining specifically to aftercare. This is the assistance you would receive from those around you and other people while you recover. Gracious care from friends and family would be an obvious example. So would the hiring of a nurse or carer who regularly visits mind you during tough times. And if you hire a professional to deal with basic chores at home, this would be one more possibility. 

Having receipts and invoices to justify the latter two elements would be highly recommended to support your case. Ring us to ask any questions about care claims and their impact on head injury compensation amounts.

Case Study: £16,500 Compensation For An Accident At Work Head Injury Claim

Mrs Pemberton, 31, worked as a warehouse assistant. Her role included stock replenishment on multiple floors and dealing with substantial deliveries.

One night, Mrs Pemberton and her colleagues were handling the delivery of stock. The shelves were three-storey high and each shelf was being restocked by different members of staff. 

Mrs Pemberton was positioned in the second landing she had colleagues underneath and above her. Her colleague above was new and was just getting used to the routine of things. However, as she was carrying a box up the stairs she accidentally dropped in on Mrs Pemberton’s head. She was knocked over and fell down several stairs where she landed on the floor. She was knocked unconscious and her worried manager called for an ambulance.

Mrs Pemberton soon came to, but she was officially diagnosed with a concussion at the hospital. She thought that her symptoms would last for a few weeks, but Mrs Pemberton developed post-concussion syndrome. 

Head Injury Compensation Payouts

Mrs Pemberton decided to seek some advice from a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor. Her claim was taken on due to the grounds that her new colleague had not received the required training to carry out her role effectively and safely. She received £16,500 as a head injury compensation amount. This comprised £11,500 in general damages combined with, £5,000 in special damage


Type Of Special Damages Includes: How Much?
Lost Earnings Costs of being unable to work £3,000
Medical Costs Costs of medical treatment during her recovery/medication £200
Carer Nurse at home £500
Gardener/ Cleaner £500
Lost deposit on booked holiday £1800


Let us point out that this scenario is not based on factual events and is purely an example case study.

Head Injury Compensation Calculation Estimates

Online personal injury claims calculators use industry estimates to offer general calculations. This is based on the severity of the injury and the typical payout for such a situation. But we recognise that everybody’s circumstances are different due to lifestyles, ages and health conditions. 

That’s why we spotlight your specific injury and how it affects explicitly your life when determining a calculation. That way, the estimate you receive is more likely to closely match the head injury compensation payout you could eventually receive. The estimate itself would be provided for free as a typical customer courtesy. Want more information? Call our friendly team on the number at the top of the page.

No Win No Fee

A No Win No Fee agreement allows those who do not have the initial funds to hire a solicitor the chance to do so. A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor’s costs would only be covered if your case wins; at that point, they take a (limited by law) success fee. Otherwise, though, you wouldn’t have to pay any legal costs of your personal injury solicitor. No upfront funds are needed. 

Talk to our helpful team to discuss what it’s like to work with a No Win No Fee solicitor.

Find Suitable Personal Injury Lawyers For Head Injury Compensation Payouts

When looking for the best suited personal injury solicitors for your case please bear in mind the following:

  • Many previous head injury compensation payout claim victories;
  • Lots of favourable client reviews;
  • Years of top-level industry experience;
  • Qualifications 
  • Continuous communication with a quick response rate.

We can offer to connect you to an expert panel of No Win No fee solicitors if our advisors can see that your case has merits. Learn more about Public Interest Lawyers by using our 24/7 Live Chat feature below.

We Can Help 

We now want to hear what happened to you so that we can help you to receive a head injury compensation amount. You can:

We’re able to answer enquiries 24/7, and you don’t have to pursue your claim after contacting us if you would prefer not to.

Further Advice On Head Injury Compensation Payouts

More information about head injuries and compensation claims is available on these six pages:

The Public Interest Lawyers home page

A section devoted to public liability claims

Our thoughts on public transport accidents

The NHS’ guidance for head injuries

A list of all of the NHS’ services for patients

And finally, The Highway Code

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