£14,000 Compensation Payout For Ruptured Foot Ligaments – Case Study & Guide To Calculating Ruptured Foot Ligaments Compensation

Ruptured foot ligaments compensation

Ruptured foot ligaments compensation

The following guide details an example case study for a £14,000 compensation payout after a ruptured foot ligament. We’re going to explain how personal injury lawyers could ensure you receive the correct amount of ligament damage compensation. The headings below allow you to visit the most relevant sections to your potential claim enquiry. Before then, though, we’re always here to help you should you require further information. Get in touch by:

  • Calling our friendly team on 0800 408 7825
  • Completing our contact form, where you can put your questions in writing
  • Or using our Live Chat, if you want to speak to an advisor as soon as possible.

Choose A Section

  1. A Guide To Calculate Ruptured Foot Ligament Damage Compensation
  2. What Is Ligament Damage?
  3. Financial Struggles From Ruptured Foot Ligaments
  4. Common Ruptured Foot Ligament Accidents
  5. Additional Care Claims
  6. Calculating Ruptured Foot Ligament Damage Compensation Estimates
  7. Case Study: £14,000 Ruptured Foot Ligament Settlements
  8. How Solicitors Calculate Compensation Estimates
  9. No Win No Fees Offer
  10. Your Case Could Use Top Personal Injury Lawyers
  11. Call Our Advisors
  12. Quick Links

A Guide To Calculate Ruptured Foot Ligament Damage Compensation

This guide covers many elements that form or influences your potential ligament damage compensation. We’re going to discuss ligament injuries in detail and the recovery time for a ruptured foot ligament. And we plan to explain No Win No Fee and compensation calculators, as well as providing our example £14,000 case study. But before we go any further, let’s talk about the personal injury claims time limit.

Now, you would have up to 3 years to make a claim. This can be from when you were first injured, or from when you became knowledgeable. There is a clear difference because it could be that you go weeks or even months before receiving a full diagnosis. And when it comes to the legal timeline, this has an impact on how long you have before you couldn’t file a claim. Personal injury lawyers can take care of you from the moment you first get in touch. Please speak to our advisors today to get that conversation underway.

What Is Ligament Damage?

In the body, you have bones, muscles and joints. Ligaments protect the joints by acting as tough, elastic connecting tissues in the form of bands. The strength of the ligament contrasts with the vulnerability of the joint; therefore, ligament damage can result in joint problems. A ligament tear most frequently occurs when the ligament itself is overstretched. The extent of the stretch, and the depth of the impact, dictates the severity of the ligament tear.

A ruptured ligament could occur around your knee, elbow, shoulder, ankle or anywhere else that you have joints. For a mild ligament tear, you may have some months of inactivity. For a ruptured foot ligament that requires surgery, you may be facing up to six months of incapacity. Symptoms of a torn ligament include significant pain and swelling, a limited range of motion and a loud “pop” sound when it happens. The affected area feeling immobile is also a clear sign, and attempting to continue unabated may cause further damage. We can explain more about how to identify a ruptured foot ligament and how this could impact your ligament damage compensation.

Financial Struggles From Ruptured Foot Ligaments

Financial struggles could immediately arise based on being unable to work during your recovery. Your recuperation may also require you to pay for additional care and rehabilitation services. And then factor in medical bills, being incapable of driving, and other expenses that may quickly add up. All the while, you’re having to handle any expenditure that you were covering before the accident. Our friendly team can advise you further.

Common Ruptured Foot Ligament Accidents

When claiming for the likes of ligament damage compensation you have to prove that an incident occurred because a third party who owed you a duty of care breached this, and the outcome was you suffering an injury, such as a ruptured foot ligament. The circumstances surrounding the accident, and the evidence of a breach of duty, would ultimately allow you to make an injury claim. Three areas would be covering the vast majority of scenarios resulting in an accident claim:

  • Employer’s liability (EL), meaning employers are liable for their employees. An example of a duty of care breach here could be twisting your knee when picking up heavy industrial equipment without any manual handling training. Consult the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 for further information.
  • Public liability (PL), places a duty of care on those who operate public spaces. A typical situation resulting in someone being injured in a public place could be someone slipping on a spilt liquid that has not been cleaned up or has no hazard signs. That particular scenario could instigate a public liability claim, meaning you may be able to claim against their public liability insurance. Read the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 for all of the facts.
  • Road traffic accident (RTA), meaning any road incidents. A possible accident could be straining your arm when having to swerve a deep pothole on the road. Don’t forget the potential for multiple injury claims if you suffer multiple injuries to various body parts. The Highway Code explains the driver’s duty of care in greater detail.

Use our online form to discover what category you accident may fall into, which could then shape your case.

Additional Care Claims

So, you’ve suffered a ruptured foot ligament, and you’re thinking about claiming compensation for your injury. But did you know that you could also file a care claim as part of your case? After all, you may be receiving care primarily due to the injury. Therefore, this may very well form part of the ligament damage compensation that you receive if you win your case.

Hiring a nurse and/or carer would be a great example of this. You could also factor in the time and effort from the support of family and friends (known as “gracious care”). And also don’t overlook the possibility of paying for the likes of gardening, cleaning and dog-walking. You wouldn’t require these services had you not been hurt, so they definitely comprise the additional care you’re receiving. Want to know more about care claims? Please speak to a member of our expert team quickly via our Live Chat.

Calculating Ruptured Foot Ligament Damage Compensation Estimates

We cannot underestimate the importance of an independent medical assessment to your ruptured foot ligament damage compensation estimate. Only by understanding the full extent of your injury as per your doctor can we make an accurate calculation. And we also need to have clear confirmation of the link between you being in an accident and you rupturing your ligament. The compensation itself is broken up into general damages and special damages, which handle the primary and secondary costs of your injury.

General damages are about the pain itself; the impact of the injury on your life, both now and for the foreseeable future. Special damages, though, consider the additional costs that only add to your suffering. Medication, public transport and physiotherapy are three clear examples. But they also note the money you won’t gain during your recuperation. This means a loss of earnings, as well as holidays that you may have to cancel. And all of these comprise the compensation estimate that provides the basis for your claim. Please chat with our knowledgeable team for more information.

Case Study: £14,000 Ruptured Foot Ligament Settlements

Mr Stephenson had a job as an IT assistant. He had worked for the firm for many years.

On his way into his office, he did not realise that the morning cleaner had mopped the stairs. There were no hazard signs anywhere to be seen. As he went to go down the stairs to his office, he slipped from the top step all the way down.

In doing so, he twisted his right foot and curled up in great pain. When the cleaner returned with the mop, she was shocked to see Mr Stephenson hurt and rang one of the first aid team.

Eventually, Mr Stephenson was taken to the hospital. He was diagnosed with a ruptured foot ligament injury. Mr Stephenson would have to undergo surgery on the ligament tear, with an expected recovery time of six months. He was also advised that even after recovering, the injury could result in him losing quickness and strength in his leg.

Mr Stephenson was left devastated by the injury. He was less upset about being hurt as he was about the circumstances. Surely common sense dictated that a sign should indicate a wet floor for anyone using the stairs who wasn’t aware? And he was angry that this would now prevent him from working and earning enough money to cover his mortgage for six months.

After seeking legal advice, Mr Stephenson filed a compensation claim against his employers. He received £14,000 as an out-of-court ligament damage compensation settlement. This included £8,000 in general damages and £6,000 in special damages.

Type Of Special Damages Includes: How Much?
Lost Earnings Costs of lost earnings due to the injury, meaning 6 months away from work £5,000
Medical Costs Physiotherapy £300
Transport Costs Public transport travel to & from his appointments relating to his recovery £100
Other Costs Added costs covering the impact on his life. Home care £600

The case of Mr Stephenson is purely an example. It is based on our past experiences of handling and valuing claims and serves to illustrate how accidents can happen and how they are valued.

How Solicitors Calculate Compensation Estimates

We factor in the accident itself and the severity of your injury when attempting to make any compensation estimate. Crucially, we also consider the toll this incident is having on your daily life. How much have you had to change how you walk, sleep, work or drive? Is your injury seriously impacting your ability to perform simple chores? Could there be long-term repercussions that might alter how you live your life even beyond your recovery?

Your answers to these questions would influence our calculation. That’s because this evidence is more true to your situation, thus making our compensation estimate more accurate. So, we sidestep online personal injury claims calculators and put you at the forefront of our calculations. And if you don’t pursue your claim, you still don’t pay for this service. Talk to our specialist team to understand the process in greater depth.

No Win No Fee Offer

You don’t have to pay legal fees up-front or during a case. You also wouldn’t pay anything to your solicitor if your case fails. The only scenario where you pay a solicitor’s legal costs is if your case wins. With that outcome, your solicitor takes a nominal amount, which is capped by law and known as a success fee. Why not use our Live Chat today to get all the facts about No Win No Fee.

Your Case Could Use Top Personal Injury Lawyers

What makes a top personal injury lawyer? A long history of successful ligament damage compensation cases certainly helps. It’s wise to read comments from past clients regarding a personal injury lawyer’s service delivery. A fast turnaround is crucial, with continuous communication throughout a case being vital as well.

Call Public Interest Lawyers today. Please speak to our friendly team to learn more about why we’re the right option for you.

Call Our Advisors

You can ring 0800 408 7825 to call our advisors today to discuss potential ligament damage compensation. Alternatively, our Live Chat at the bottom of the page ensures an instant response from our specialist team. Or if you prefer to send us an email, our contact form allows you to provide an in-depth description of your case.

We’re available 24/7 if you wish to reach out to us. Don’t fret about having to start a case immediately, as there’s no obligation to proceed even after getting in touch.

Quick Links

Visit our website by clicking here.

Please read our guide on how to handle claims for public transport incidents.

The NHS offers guidance on sprains and strains such as ruptured foot ligament injuries.

They also have details about specific sports injuries, including ligament tears.

Meanwhile, the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 is covering how to react to any accidents in public places.

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